Welcome Friends! Today is the official kick off of
Desert Island Keeper
M/M Romance Author
Festivus Extravagandus!
Uh. I invited some of my friends....
First off: The fair
Ally Blue. Ally is a cool bean. What can I say?
Before we get started, I'd just like to thank her for stopping by. Ally was initially in our DIK group, but deadlines and real life conflicted and we totally shafted her. Heh. I begged her to stop by the Author DIK post at Noseinabook back in the height of our backstabbing hero free for all (omg. that was crazy fun) and she was a peach and came by and totally forgave us for..shafting her. I think I just like to say shaft. I don't know why.
So put your DIK hands together (?) and give a hearty round of applause to our guest, the delectable Ms. Blue.
Favorite Reading PositionReclining in comfort in a beach chair. On the beach, of course, otherwise it's kind of pointless to have a beach chair, really. Heh.
Best love song"The Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf. One of the most joyful and upbeat songs I've ever heard. Patrick!!! I heart you, you big glittery goofball!
**fangirly swoon**
Favorite HeroineIn a book? Oh, hmmmm...
Jacqueline, from Clive Barker's short story "Jacqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament". That is one scary/sexy chick. She still resonates with me in lots of ways, even twenty years after I first met her :)
Author everyone loves but you don's a whole looooong list of authors everyone else loves and I have never ever read. Example: La Nora. Sacrilege! I know, I know. I'm so ashamed!
**hides face**
If you could be in one book/series/world which would you pickHarry Potter! I want to sneak into the locker rooms at the World Quidditch Cup and watch Harry and Draco gettin' their mansex on in the shower. It would be REALLY hot because they'd be on opposing teams and therefore the sex would be all rough and angry. Yowza.
Hey, it's MY fantasy, I'll make them grown-up pro Quidditch players if I want!
How old is your inside voice
Twelve. Fourteen on a good day. My son (who really IS fourteen) calls me immature. LOL. So sad.
’tErrrmmm.... Well, I don't know. I can't think of any. But, there
Favorite sex song"Inertia Creeps" by Massive Attack. Lots of drums, like a pulse, and DAMN that particular singer has a sexy voice.
If you could be a hero who would you beI'd be Brent from Heaven Sent. Then I'd get to be all sexed up by Hell!!! The very thought makes my girl parts clench in delight.
What heroine is most like youOh, um. I don't know, actually. Probably there is a romance heroine out there who is a bit like me, but I haven't found her. I don't read a lot of straight romance, and the girls in th

e horror and sci-fi I tend to read are generally either way smarter/stronger/faster/etc than me or so sniveling and TSTL that I really HOPE they're not like me. LOL.
What heroine would you like to beANITA BLAKE!!! From the early days. I mean, come on. Knives on both arms? A gun strapped to the headboard of the bed? A freakin' SWORD down her back??? AND getting to kick the bad guys' asses and raise zombies???? That is just ridiculously cool :D
Boxers, Briefs, boxer briefs, kilt (I say we add commando)What, for me or my manwhores? I mean characters? Although I guess it doesn't matter, as the answer to both is boxer-briefs. Sexy AND comfy!
(*lb claps hands* yay for ally's manwhores!)Favorite book set on a tropical islandJurassic Park! :D
What hero is most like your significant otherHe isn't like anyone, really, which is one reason I heart him so :) Although, I suppose I could say he's a bit like Trouble, from My Fair Captain (only, you know, adult...), because he does have a knack for getting into scrapes *g*
What hero would you like to be your significant
otherOMG. None! Seriously. The men I tend to swoon over in fiction are NOT people I could successfully live with. LOL.
If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bringHmmm, let's see...
1. My laptop, Admiral Crunchbyte. He will have a magically never-ending battery charge, because I canNOT live without my beloved 'puter.
2. Bear Grylls. Because he knows what plants to eat and I'm pretty sure he can build a mansion out of sticks and palm leaves. AND, he strips a lot. Oh, yes. Nekkid Bear makes Ally's girl parts very, very happy.
3. A club with a fully stocked bar and a monster sound system, complete with an endless supply of awesome music. Hey, if you're gonna dream, dream big! LOL.
Favorite drink to bring to the DIK partyMike's Hard Lime. Great beach drink. Can I bring Fritos too? Mike's + Fritos = best dinner ever.
My Favorite hero?EDWARD!!! Not Twilight Edward, who I do not know at all. Anita Blake's Edward, who I DO know and who I would dearly love to clutch between my thighs just once. Which is really saying something, considering that he's not real O_O
MY 6-BOOK BEACH HUT LIBRARY:(no, they are NOT romances! Ha! Ha, I say! LOL)
1. Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon, because it is the pinnacle of awesomeness.
2. Obsidian Butterfly (#9? I think? In the Anita Blake series). It has mucho kicking of bad guy butt, plus lots of Edward! Mmmm... Edward...
3. Books of Blood, by Clive Barker. All three volumes. I think this should count as one book. In fact, I will find one volume with all three installments bound together so that there is no question of it being one book. There must be such a thing out there someplace...
4. Lord of the Rings. Sorry, but this one HAS to be on my list. It's the very first story with which I ever fell completely in love! This doesn't need to be physically bound into one volume because it is all one story!
5. Stranger In A Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein, because it changed my life.
6. The complete Lovecraft collection, with many thanks to our hostess LisaBea for reminding me *ggg*
(ally ally blue, i heart u)
And I sort of lied when I said I had no romances in my hut, because my collection of loverly gay romance resides on Admiral Crunchbyte's hard drive, and he's coming with me. Yay for ebooks!
1. Edward (see above). For protection as well as that sexy/dangerous vibe of his *g*
2. Valentine Michael Smith, from Stranger In A Strange Land. Peace, acceptance, free love and cool Martian biofeedback techniques!
3. Allard, from Jules Jones and Alex Woolgrave's funny/hot series The Syndicate. He's kind of a pill, but cute as a bug and I bet he could fix my darling laptop if need be. Tech support for the island, yay!
4. Jason, from the Anita Blake books. Cutest werewolf ever! Plus he's smart and perceptive, and kind of a man-slut. He'd keep all the girl-parts AND man-bits on the island very very satisfied.
5. Snape! Two words, people: hangover potions O_O
Short (and excessively smartass) bio, snatched from my blog because I am lazy:

Ally Blue is acknowledged by the world at large (or at least by her heroes, who tend to suffer a lot) as the Popess of Gay Angst. She has a great big penis hat and rides in a bullet-proof plexiglass bubble in Christmas parades. Her harem of manwhores does double duty as bodyguards and as sinspirational entertainment. Her favorite band is Radiohead, her favorite color is lime green and her favorite way to waste a perfectly good Saturday is to watch all three extended version LOTR movies in a row. Her ultimate dream is to one day ditch the evil day job and support the fambly on manlove alone. She is not a hippie or a brain surgeon, no matter what her kids’ friends say.