So Josh asks five, and I,
LB Gregg ask five, but
we all have to answer ten. Here we go!
(I am in Blue; Josh Lanyon is in brown, because he's just STUNNING in brown).
Josh: Okay, here are my questions and answers:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Do we count the rinsing away of toothpaste? No! The SO just appeared with Irish Coffee. TGIF! Yum.
LBea: Coffee. It's always coffee! I need to add some new fluids to my life.
Josh: 2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
I'm in the middle of a huge argument with someone though I haven't told her yet. Believe it or not, I actually hate confrontation, so while I can fly off the handle when it's not that big a deal, when the hurt goes deep I've generally got nothing to say. It's lockdown time. She's dead to me.
LBea: I'm not speaking to you. I am your bf. You would never hold back.
::bites nails::

Josh's Daily Vitamin
Josh: 3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? (LBea interrupts: YES) Seriously, I take a boring vitamin supplement because my diet is shit. Well, not literally. And I take vitamin B and Omega fish oil stuff.
LBea: I was taking vitamins, but I always forget. I'm more likely to take Motrin.
Josh: 4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
I dread them ALL. Mostly because I haven't done any of them. I guess I dread starting the list of chores the most, because once I'm in that mode, it will be okay. It's like war. Thinking about battle is much worse than...hmmm. Maybe not such a good analogy. I do hope the turkey won't be shooting back this year.
LBea: My new holiday dread is wall papering the hallway ever again.
Josh: 5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
As a teenager...I read voraciously. And I tended to take everything very seriously. I think this is true of a of books we read when we're young. It seems like...this is gospel, this is how the world is, and these initial storytellers carry great weight. Which is why it really is a huge responsibility as to what we let children and teens read. I remember I read a great deal from the Scholastic bookclub. Anyone remember that? And one book was about this guy named David and his friend...and I can't remember the friend's name, but he's a conscientious objector and he dies in Viet Nam. There's something about David's father accusing the friend of being gay, but to be honest, a lot of that went right over my head at the time. I mean, I was still waiting for the Black Stallion to show up in my life.
LBea: Snort. I'll send you a My Little Pony.
I've said Dancer's of Arun before--but I'm going to go with Fern Michael's Captive Surrender (or was it Embrace?). I was in high school and it was my first lady pirate romance. I wrote an English paper about becoming a lady pirate and I received a glowing A from my teacher who thought I was 'so interesting'--but sekretly I was reading pron!
LBea: 6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? I know this is precipitous. I don't care.
I'm such a WASP--Once in Royal David City is my fav real song. And I love Mariah singing O Holy Night in that video when she's in church with her bubbies hanging out and she's in a Jessica Rabbit Red Dress vamping it up for baby Jesus. Now that's what I call Christmas!
Josh - The Rebel Jesus. But here's where I confess that I love Christmas music. It is SO uncool. But I do. Pretend fave? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I love all those jazzy, vintage-y Chestnuts Saved From the Fire faves. Ideally sung by Ella or Frankie or Der Bingle or Satchmo.
LBea: 7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
You're so hot I can't keep my hands off you. I want you all the time.
What? I am not making that up!
Josh: "How's your head?"
He was talking about my headache of the night before, I hasten to add. Serious here!
LBea: 8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Stuff that mother! In the bird! Also stuffing should have lots of sausage. Mmmmm...sausage.
Josh - You don't know where that bird has been! Side dish. It's an ongoing bone of contention in this household, by the way. I am all about the side dishes.
LBea: 9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Monty Python's Holy Grail--and School of Rock, Moonstruck, The Bird Cage, and (Colin Firth) Pride and Prejudice. I like to laugh and I love love.
Josh - And we love to laugh at you. WITH YOU. Seriously, though...Gunga Din, Young Frankenstein, The Big Sleep...any episode of The Professionals.

Adrien English
LBea: 10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Mine is The Dark Tide. BOOYAH!!!!
Josh- What?! You can't pick a book that isn't published yet. Pick something else. (LBea: No. Make me.) Meanwhile...what am I supposed to pick when I haven't read anything in months??? Books I am taking with me to DIY island...Dash and Dingo by Sean Kennedy, Three Wrong Turns in the Desert by Neil Plakcy...okay, I will take recommends on this. OH, I know. Ginn Hale's sequel to Wicked Gentlemen. When's that coming out? ( I am NOT making fun of you, Sweetbea).
So. Answer the Ten Questions by Monday Morning 7 am (I can't do midnight Sunday, sorry. Am too tired) and you may be selected to win a copy of Dangerous Grounds II: Old Poison! And an LB Gregg your choice Smithfield novella.
The Questions Again:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?