So I decided to mix it up. Today, I want to talk about heroines that I’d want to be (best) friends with:
1. Liberty from Lisa Kleypas’s Sugar Daddy, hands down, has to be on my list. She’s not ashamed of where she comes from, she took care of her sister when she could have been a selfish brat and stuck her in foster care, and she worked for everything she got in life. Loyalty is a big thing I want in a friend and Liberty has it all. (P.S. I was vera happy with her final choice!)
2. Avril Carson from Nancy Robards Thomson’s Beauty Shop Tales. This hairdresser-turned-actress-turned hairdresser again, is amazingly unselfish. She returns from California to her small hometown in Florida after her husband’s death. Upon arriving, she finds out that her dead husband fathered a child with her high school best friend (while she was married to him). Her (ex) friend is dying of cancer and wants Avril to take care of her son when she dies. So she does. There’s a lot more to the story than that, but that’s a seriously decent human being.
4. Bette Robinson from Lauren Weisberger’s Everyone Worth Knowing. After five years at a shitty job, she walks out and ends up working in the crazy world of the rich and famous. She fucks up occasionally and almost loses her best friend, but in the end, she figures out what her priorities are in life and how to be true to herself. And she does it without a man. Love her! Okay, she’s not really a romance heroine but she was the catalyst for my decision to become a writer so she gets a slot.
5. Penelope Featherington from Julia Quinn’s Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. She’s loyal, she’s a smart and talented writer (if you haven’t read the Bridgerton books, sorry for the pseudo spoiler), and she certainly knows how to keep a secret.