'Nicholai', Johnny and I are lounging in beach chairs enjoying a couple of drinks with those little umbrellas in them, and as we watch Mitch surf, we got to talking about ' flipping.. ooops, I mean, romancing the bird', namely "Twitter". All the guys and just about everyone else I'm acquainted with on-line is "tweeting".
Me? I'm a complete, novice as in NEWBIE with respect to "The Bird", I'm probably the last person who should be posting about this social networking phenomenon. However, because of my newness I'm still in the "romance" stage I tend to do a lot of 'lurking', and am fascinated by it all, just as I was when first introduced to blogging .
Above right is pictured the Twitter Mascot, I tried to find out if this little blue guy had a name, but it doesn't seem so. Therefore one can assume he is called "Twitter"... lol (I think he is damn cute, by the way!)
So, in an effort to become more educated with respect to Twitter I consulted our friendly neighbourhood Wikipedia. (I mean where else would you go right?)
This is Wikipedia's definition of Twitter:
“Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. While the service costs nothing to use, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.”
Just as a point of interest Twitter was created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, a software architectural genius and businessperson.
What does this mean? Well, as near as I can tell, it is like a rapid form of instant messaging that has caught on and spread in popularity worldwide like wildfire. At any time of the day or night you can find folks logged on to Twitter, tweeting at light speed about anything and everything you can possibly think of. How does this relate to reading romance and blogging? Again, as near as I can tell a vast number of authors, bloggers and readers in general have joined Twitter and are Tweeting about books, blog posts and contests, and life.
However, like anything else there is a learning curve. There is a whole vernacular associated with Twitter that I haven't mastered yet, not to mention the various tools folks use to re-tweet (spreading news to all your followers), #FF (whatever that is), and so on and so on. So I was advised to download "Tweetdeck", because re-tweeting was much easier to do when you used that tool.
I tried to download "Tweetdeck", (lol - sorry I start laughing every time I type that) however my old dinosaur computer booted me off that one 3 times!
It was at this point I flipped "Tweetdeck", the "Bird"...
However, during my "lurking a.k.a. romance", I've also noticed folks "Tweeting", from Twirl, web, and any number of other formats. You can also get messages sent to your phone - that however is going to cost $ for text messaging.
The one thing I have noticed is that folks are commenting on blog posts less. And, blogs are shutting down. Is this because more bloggers are "Tweeting", in essence interacting socially on Twitter?
I'm also wondering if Twitter will make blogging obsolete at some point? I mean it is described as a "micro-blogging service", you can even download pictures on to it with something called "Twitpic"... lol (Almost sounds profane doesn't it?) Many of the girls have their Twitter Profile pages decorated like blogs!!
Just out of curiosity do you "Twitter"??
So, if anyone has some words of wisdom for a newbie to "Twitter", I'm all ears. In the meantime, I think I'll have to keep "romancing the bird"... lol
Tori, myself and the menz are hosting a little luau here on the island tonight, and there will be lots to drink and eat - music, and who knows what else... **waggles brows**... ;)
In the meantime, I'm admiring the "sights" while reading a novel... This IS the life. ;)
Thanks so much and I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend.
If you would like to vote for one of the choices in the Week #3 kissing scene contest at my blog - closetwriter - you can view the post here.
For any of you who haven't heard the news, Patrick Swayze died today. I find it truly a tragic tale, considering that he was fighting so hard to live.
Like any girl, I grew up on Dirty Dancing. It came out when I was 11. I didn't actually see it until years later, but I remember being enthralled by the love story of Baby and Johnny Castle. To me, Johnny embodied the ultimate BAD boy. Black leather, tight pants and moves. LOL! Now, as an adult, I can watch that movie and see the things that are just wrong about it, but for a long time, the magic of that movie...*sigh*
And then there was Ghost. Man, that movie is just depressing. Sure, the scene with the clay was deeply erotic and the song that played kills me every time I hear it. The end was stupid, but I'm doing my best to think of Mr. Swayze being in peace and not having to be in so much pain.
I wonder that his death has hit me harder than any of the other celebrity deaths we've heard of lately. Maybe it's because his movies were the movies of my teen years; impressionable years where I wished I could move like his leading ladies
No, he wasn't attractive; not to me anyway, but the man had a sense of grace about him that made him attractive. I hope his wife is able to find some peace and know that she had a long, hopefully happy marriage and that he isn't in pain anymore. That's all we can hope for.
Rest in Peace, Mr. Swayze. You shall be missed.
But isn't all that sun and water bad for my hair? I'm a natural curly headed person? And what's up with this deep sea diving thing have you ever seen a shark? I will however, give you Kelly HOLY CRAP I think he's going to be our new spokesperson what do you think?
I'm a naturally curly haired girl too so no worries, I feel your pain! I don't even bother with the hair straightener ten months out of the year, lol. But, that's what conditioner is for! And even if your hair gets a little wild, if you live here, you'll always have that sexy tousled look which is great if you're trying to impress the surfers. Too much of anything can be bad for you, but the sun in small doses is great. After all, it's a great way to get your Vitamin D!
Sharks? I've seen them while fishing and diving, I caught a small one off the coast of Marathon, and one even rammed into my thigh years ago (at Cocoa Beach). In reality, you have a much better chance of getting stung by a jellyfish (nasty little creatures!) or getting a sunburn. The truth is, the ocean is their domain so you have to respect them and understand that it's a risk anytime you go into the water. I grew up here so I guess I've never thought much about it. Considering I spent almost all my summers at the beach and I've never been bit, I'd be more worried about getting into a car accident on the way to the beach ;)
Kelly can definitely be our spokesperson! I love his eyes.
So Florida and I should think about meeting once huh?And January and Feburay its cool but not hot? Maybe I should come and visit you huh? How do you feel about company?
Yes, you two definitely need to meet! While December is sometimes warm (I've gone waterskiing many Christmases), the first two months of the year are perfection. And you are more than welcome to come visit anytime! I'll take you the beach, to Key West, fishing, or anywhere you want to go. (just not Disney!)
Sounds like a dream... Excuse me ladies while I head over to Southwest and book a flight! In the meantime if you have any questions you would like to ask Katie about her works or Florida feel free!
Also don't forget to fill out the crossword puzzle and email me (saraijohnson@hotmail.com) your answers. It closes midnight on Thursday in the meantime don't forget to leave a comment in order to be placed in a running for a copy of Katie's book.
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