What better way than by following in your footsteps with an "About Me" segment? And I thought just for something different, I'd put up a photo of a hot but fully clothed guy, Irish actor Cillian Murphy (*notes wedding band with dismay*).
Oh, and everyone who comments on today's or tomorrow's posts will be put in a drawing to win a signed copy of Wicked Game (or one of my other books if you already have that one). I'll pull a random name at 11:59pm Eastern time Tuesday night, July 1. Good luck!
Here goes:
Favorite Reading Position

On my back on the sofa, with lots of pillows, and tea or cocoa and snacks at hand. This kills my back, though—I really need a good reading chair.
Best love song
Does anyone remember “Sign Your Name” by Terence Trent D’arby? It came out in the late 80s and has some phenomenal lines:
“The thought of you just caves me in.”
“I’d rather be in hell with you, baby, than in cold heaven.”
“Slowly we make love, and the earth rotates to our dictates.”
The music and rhythm is so sensual. I haven’t heard it in years, but it’s always stuck with me.
Also, “Human Touch” by Bruce Springsteen is incredibly romantic, in a less breathless way. It’s the marrying type song. *glances at Cillian's wedding band again and frowns*
Favorite Heroine
Of all time, probably Meg from Madeleine L’Engle’s Time Quartet series (A WRINKLE IN TIME, etc.). My favorite romance heroine is Alexandra from Victoria Dahl’s TO TEMPT A SCOTSMAN. I love a woman who goes for what she wants, especially when what a woman wants is a man in a kilt. Totally relate.
Author everyone loves but you don't
Definitely not going there. ;-)
If you could be in one book/series/world which would you pick
Charles de Lint’s Newford series (THE ONION GIRL, SOMEPLACE TO BE FLYING, WIDDERSHINS). It’s magical, but not terrifying, unlike a lot of urban fantasy worlds. I’m too much of a wimp to live in most of the series I read.
How old is your inside voice
17 and 3/4
Favorite sex song
I’m way too private to talk about this as a person, but as an author, certain songs make great inspiration for writing love scenes. “Slow Like Honey” by Fiona Apple is my favorite when I’m writing from a woman’s POV—she’s incredibly powerful in this song. For a guy, “Heaven’s in Here” by Tin Machine (with David Bowie) works really well (Heaven lies between your marble thighs/the rustle of your falling gown).
“When Doves Cry” by Prince and the Revolution is a good all-around one. Also, on the soundtrack to HBO’s ROME, there’s a track called “Cleopatra Seduces Caesar.” It has a very exotic sound (exotic if you’re not Egyptian, I mean), and the way it builds up the rhythm and intensity is just…hot.
If you could be a hero who would you be
Gosh, being a hero, that’s a lot of responsibility. Could I be Batman, but retired? Like, after Gotham City has been all cleaned up, and my job would just be to drive the Batmobile in parades every now and then.
What heroine is most like you
Tough question, because most heroines I read are a lot braver and tougher than I could ever be (or would want to be—to kick ass I’d actually have to get up from the couch). So I’ll pick Jody from my favorite vampire novel, Christopher Moore’s BLOODSUCKING FIENDS.
What heroine would you like to be
Lola from the movie RUN LOLA RUN. I’d love to have her stamina and her fire-engine red hair. Not to mention the cute boyfriend* and the giant sack of deutschmarks.
Favorite book set on a tropical island
Ummm, SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON? Not sure I actually finished that.
What hero would you like to be your significant other
David from Rachel Caine’s ILL WIND. He’s so sweet and smart and hot. (I’ve only read the first book in the series so far, so don’t tell me if he dies or they break up or something horrible like that.)
The runner-up would be Jamie from OUTLANDER, but there would be a strict no-spanking clause in our pre-nuptial agreement.
If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bring
Assuming all the survival needs were met:
1. a lifetime’s supply of coffee (and a Braun coffee maker—those things last forever)
2. music and a way to play it (iPod, victrola, whatever)
3. a computer to write with, or at least pen and paper
Favorite drink to bring to the DIK party Jack Daniels, with or without the Coke. My needs are simple.
*my travels through Europe have taught me that Germany and Scotland have the best-looking men. But Irish men age better than anyone. So Cillian, call me in like thirty years, k?