Sunday, December 19, 2010

welcome to the DIK giveaway!

Woo and hoo! :)

Tracy let me out of the DIK brig to announce our Big Winter Giveaway.  

Yeah, she's letting me bask in her glory.  She's nice like that.  



Since we can't afford to bring you all to the island and we took a vote and decided we didn't want a bunch of drunken peeps hitting on our men, we decided to go with the next best thing?  A desert island giveaway!  But without involving the actual giving away of a land mass! 

I know!  We rock!  *beams*

What's going on?

Starting 20 December through to 2 January - yes, even on Christmas Day! - we will be giving away 2-3 different books per day thanks to some very generous authors.

Who you ask?  Well, there's LB Gregg, Josh Lanyon, Julie James, Jaci Burton, Astrid Amara, Nicole Kimberling, Juliana Stone, Stephanie Tyler and Devyn Quinn just to name a few.  It's awesomesauceness!

How it works?

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment with your email addy on the giveaway post, but you'll have to be super quick because each day's contest will only last until midnight that night (PST). 

It's open internationally and, once Randy The Randomizer has done his thing, the winners of the giveaways will be advised in the comment section of the post and via email.

This means that if you don't subscribe to the comments or provide us with your email you're shit out of luck and we will laugh our arses off at you when we give the book away again after 24 hrs.

You're welcome!

So, in the spirit of giving...

Santa said you were very, VERY good and told us to start off with...

A $10.00 gift certificate to All Romance eBooks (Giveaway #1)!



Jeanine said...

what a fun contest. I will look forward to it

Anonymous said...

Awesome contest! Thanks

Jenre said...


Except that I'm going away tomorrow for three days with no internet - BOO!

Jason said...

That santa is serious sexy! He needs a boy between his legs instead of a girl though. :)


Chris said...

Yay, Kris, for kicking this off! Yay, Tracy, for organizing this!

Victoria said...

How nice. Merry Christmas to you!

Lily said...

Sounds like fun! Count me in please.

Tracy said...

And Kris says things so well, doesn't she? Thanks Kris!

Tracy said...

And Chris, you're welcome. *beams*

Renee said...

YOU guys are awesomesauceness!

Kris, you make me laugh.

elaing8 said...

Great giveaway.And hot pic :)
Happy Holidays

Hilcia said...

Thanks for the giveway and the invite.

Tam said...

You guys are so nice. :-P


Kassa said...

Great contest. Thanks to the Goodreads email that sent me here or I wouldn't have known.

BTW - is that Kris giving Santa head?

Sayuri said...

I'm in!!

pamela [dot] sayuri [at] gmail [dot] com

Mandi said...

Yay for this contest!

wildlower said...

Nice contest!!! Also a good Santa photo, but there's a good one of him in shitkickers!

wildlower (at) gmail (dot) com

Lea said...

Woot! Happy Holidays everyone. :-)

Bookwyrm369 said...

Wow! What an awesome contest!! Thank you :-) Can't wait to see what's coming each day!

smaccall @

justacat said...

Oh, a contest, yay! Winter is already miserable and it's only December - I need every bright spot I can get! :-)

(justacat66 at gmail)

LSUReader said...

Great contest. Merry Christmas.
(Email in profile.)

Kris said...

Fun!!!!! Love the Santa pic ;D

froggykm at gmail com

Melissa said...

Please count me in! Thanks!

Feliz said...

Yeah, a contest, and SUCH wonderful prizes...

Janna said...

Wow, this sounds awesome! I look forward to it. :)


Jane said...

Thanks for the giveaways.

janie1215 AT excite DOT com

Cathy M said...

I love starting off the day with a laugh thanks for the contest.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Kris said...

I'm glad that I made people laugh and, no, that's not me giving Santa head. Thanks for that image, Kassa. :P

Mysteriousrose said...

This sounds great!
Thank you for this giveaway and for making it international.


~ames~ said...

Sounds like fun!

thriftyreader at gmail dot com

Estella said...

Sounds like fun!
A GC is always welcome.

kissinoak at frontier dot com

Amanda said...

Great Contest

Sarah said...

great contest


Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh what a great giveaway!!! You girls are too funn!!!
Please count me in honey!!!!

Lady_Graeye said...

Oh Yeah! Totally Awesome!

I'm in!!

Linda Henderson said...

Thank you for the great holiday contest. Happy Holidays to everyone on the island.

seriousreader at live dot com

Unknown said...

I'm in, thanks for an awesome contest!


Nastassia said...

Great giveaway :) and Merry Christmas to you too!


Norma said...

What a great contest!! Thank you!!


kellycrowd at att dot net

Pamk said...

sounds like a very fun contest. I'll be here with bells on.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot ocm

Tracy said...

And the winner of the $10.00 ARe gc is:



Amanda said...

Ooo what a good idea!!

Ingrid said...

I am in but am I too late to join in the fun?? @

Kris said...

Congrats Mysteriousrose!

RFTC Blog said...

Cool giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win awesome prizes.

Cate Masters said...

Great giveaway! Happy holidays.
cate.masters at

Caitlin said...

Oh, this giveaway sounds awesome! And those are great authors. I look forward to it!

Caitlin said...

forgot to leave my email address for this first giveaway: tearssoon(at)

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