Saturday, December 4, 2010

So...Do You Wanna be a DIK Team Member?

Here's your chance!

It's a DIK blog new members sign up extravaganza!!!!! 

Here's how it works. Those of you who would like to join the DIK team just fill out the following mini-application and email it to redneyrae AT ca DOT rr DOT com. We'll look it over and we (the ladies) will announce new members soon!  We're taking applications until Saturday, December 4 and will announce the winners 12/13-12/15. 

If you have any questions just email to the above address and we'll get back to you asap.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the screen name that you want to go by?
2. What is your date of birth? (day and month only!)
3. What are your 5 favorite books? (these won't necessarily be the books you'll bring to the island with you)
4. Which heroes would you bring to the island and why? (these won't necessarily be the heroes you'll bring to the island with you)
5. What is your favorite movie that is based on book?
6. Name one fun thing you would bring to the island?
7. Why are you interested in coming to the island?

If your name is announced we will send out your all about me questions, rules and give you some days to post (usually 2-3 times per year)! Good luck, have fun and thanks for participating!



Chris said...

I don't know, I think all the best heroes and books are already taken! :(

Tracy said...

LOL You'd think that...but with team members having to leave some of the heroes and books will soon be available. :)

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