I'm really enjoying my time here on the island. The sand, the sun, books as far as the eye can see, and of course all these hot guys hand-feeding me grapes and bringing me drinks...very nice.

But I have the best heroes on the whole island. Just you wait and see. ;) My hero choices were pretty easy to make. I picked memorable men that I wouldn't mind being stuck with on a deserted island. No bull-headed jerks, no seriously tortured souls (their baggage wouldn't fit on the plane), no wimpy sissies. Just sexy men that adore me and want nothing more than to live with me in my little grass hut for eternity. Not a bad deal, eh?
Without further ado, I present to you my heroes:
Vane Kattalakis from
Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Vane is a powerful wolf shifter that loves my plus-size ass just the way it is. He loves to pamper me and buy me presents, and his favorite sexual position is doggy style. *snicker* He'll keep me warm in bed, whether wrapped around me as a naked man or curled up at my feet as a sweet puppy dog. He loves to be petted and groomed, and he can bring me rabbits to cook for dinner.
I swear this didn't sound nearly so creepy in my head. o_O
Angel from
Angel by Johanna Lindsey - Angel is a badass gunslinger with a foul mouth, a kiss-my-ass attitude, an itchy trigger finger, a dark sense of humor, and a fierce devotion to his woman (me). He's HOT and nearly always horny. His body will keep me more than satisfied, and his sexy Southern drawl will keep me from feeling homesick. This Texas girl just wouldn't be happy without a cowboy in her hut. He's got some pretty awesome guns, too, and y'all know how much I like my firearms.
Rule from
The Demon You Know by Christine Warren - Rule is a huge, powerful, and super sexy demon from the Underworld. He may be from hell, but he's one of the good guys. Rule is a soldier in charge of keeping the peace between Earth and the Underworld. He has a good heart and gentle (BIG) hands, and he knows exactly how to drive a woman crazy. His strength and single-minded determination will come in handy in my hut. Plus if any of y'all try to steal my men, I'll have Rule kick your ass and then put a demon spell on you.
Challen from
Warrior's Woman by Johanna Lindsey - Oh baby. Challen is a gorgeous warrior from a planet that treats women as royalty. His sexual stamina is shocking, so he'll have no trouble pleasing me for hours and hours on those sleepless Island nights. On his planet, a man punishes his woman by bringing her to the brink of sexual ecstasy and denying her, then making up for it the next night...over and over and over... And he gives great spankings. I plan on being a very naughty girl. Mee-oww. ;)
Heath Boscastle from
Wedding Night of an English Rogue by Jillian Hunter - A Regency spy that knows how to please a woman. He's not intimidated by a spunky non-virgin redhead, and he'll still love me even if I accidentally shoot him. And seeing as how I'll have access to Angel's six-shooters, that's a definite possibility.
Cal Morissey from
Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie - Cal will tell me I'm beautiful even when I feel fat and ugly, he appreciates great shoes, and he knows some pretty creative uses for chocolate donut frosting. He's also a great businessman, so he can help us manage our resources on the island. Plus he's freaking hot.
Kade from the
Riley Jenson series by Keri Arthur - Horse shifter. HORSE. SHIFTER. Kade is sexy and verrrry very skilled in the ways of pleasing a woman (or women, if that's your thing), and he doesn't worry over silly little things like monogamy or commitment. He won't get jealous if I spend too much time with the other men in my hut. He's more than willing to share, as long as I promise to share him too
(I've posted the sign-up list on the palm tree outside my hut). And did I mention he's a horse shifter? A HORSE. SHIFTER. We're limited in transportation methods on this island, right? Kade will come in very handy. I can ride him around the island after I'm finished...ahem...
riding him.
That's it for my heroes. Yeah, you know you're jealous. :P If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my hut. The boys are lonely.
Horse shifter? 0.0
the mind boggles. *g*
The only here I know from your list is Cal and I can totally see how you chose him. We gotta appreciate a hero that loves to see a woman enjoying her meals. *sigh*> he is awesome
((CAL)) a man who likes donuts and a woman who eats them. :D
Kade, what a good choice! He has all those mares and still is raring to go for more. :)
I'd kind of forgotten your love of old school Johanna Lindsey. Now I feel the need to pull out my tattered (from when I was 15) copy of Warrior's Woman.
Awesome choices...especially a horse shifter...he's how you can get around the island really quickly! :wink:
Ana - The answer to the next most obvious question (after "There's such a thing as shifters?") is yes. Just ponder on that one for a minute.
KB - Cal is yummy. I'm not a fan of Krispy Kreme brand donuts, but I'm sure I could learn to like them for Cal.
Jessica - Isn't Kade hot? I've only read through book 3...does he show up later in the series too? He was my favorite character.
Kati - I love Warrior's Woman. So campy and cheesy (did you see my totally rad Fabio pic? lol), but sooooo sweet and sexy and just plain awesome. Warrior's Woman is the only JL book that seemed to be written for fun, just for the pure joy of writing. Plus I love that Wyoming series. Finger lickin' good.
Horse shifter? Srsly? The mind boggles w/ everything that implies....
I heart your list. Vane is soooo hot. I absolutely adore him. I wish SK would go back to writing like that.
And Cal? W/ donuts? *sigh*
Oh my! Talk about brightening my spirits! Woohoo!
I have an intense case of hut-envy.
What? Oh, yes, the menz too.
But when I say hut-envy, I really DO mean HUT-envy. Did you see the pic of that thing?!
Holly - Kade is a horse...and the answer to your next question is YES. If that's what you were wondering. ;) Cal is yummy. He can lick frosting off me any time he wants. I miss SK's old DH writing style too. :(
Lissa - Hehe... Aren't they pretty? :)
Bev - That's my super deluxe luxury hut. Maybe I'll invite you over for dinner one night. The men serve the food, and they're not allowed to wear anything but Hawaiian print Speedos and body oil.
Do you see how there are no walls on Jen's hut??
Slutty exhibitionist
Jen is a dirty, dirty girl flaunting her 6 pack ab men with their buns of steel.
*grabs binoculars*
Kati - Oh, that's just my dining room. The super luxurious sleeping quarters are on the far side and I have black curtains (the demon's not too fond of sunshine). I also have lighted window boxes on the outside of the room where the men are required to dance each night on display. That part is visible to the public. All the other girls on the island are green with envy. :)
Slutty...maybe...at least on the island. Exhibitionist...hell no. You'd all go blind. LOL
KB - You're just jealous. :P
Well Jen
You have done something no one else has - I don't know any of the books therefore I don't know your heroes but they do look good enough to eat. I think I would like your horse shifter guy - You can ride him in more ways than one. Did you mention spankings? Jen I think you're freaky but I like it. Oh, where did you get that damn hut? I'm so jealous. I have to borrow it.
*sigh* such wonderful men! Love them. A couple I don't know but I think I need to get to know. Horse. Shifter. Holy hoof marks Batman! 0_0 *Tracy runs over to the palm tree to put her name on the sign up sheet*
Love you're hut too...um, I mean your dining room.
Oh, by the way - Z knows you want him and I told him he could go play with you for a while. *snort*
Wave - I think you might like the Riley Jenson books. Those are the ones with the horse shifter. :)
Tracy - Kade will be happy to meet you. I'll let you know when he has some free time.
Z...nooo...I'm already married to a man just like Z. Can't handle a second.
I wouldn't mind spending a few hours with Butch and/or V though. :D
*snort* If I had boys like those in my hut, I would certainly not waste my time on blogs :-DDDD The only one I'm familiar with is Vane, but your other men sound great too. And I like your justification about how useful it would be to have a horse shifter on the island, for...riding purposes :-p.
The only two that I know of your list are Vane and Cal....but I would definitely be happy with either of those in my hut!
Mary - I chose Kade the horse shifter for practical purposes, of course. :P And Vane for obvious reasons. :)
Marg - Vane and Cal are as close to perfection as men can get. *sigh* I would be happy with just them in my hut if I could only choose two.
Vane and Cal are as close to perfection as men can get. *sigh* I would be happy with just them in my hut if I could only choose two
Oh, you poor thing. I'm sure I could be persuaded to take the others off your hands. Yes, I know it's a sacrifice, but I'm sure you'd do the same for me. ::cough::InANewYorkMinute::cough::
Bev - Well, you see, I said if I could only choose two. But I got to choose seven, so...how shall I put this...
But I luvs you anyway. *smooches*
Loving your hut, it is so pretty! Not to mention hot mens! I loved Angel and Challen, I has them on my keeper shelf! :)
Sarah - Yay, another fan of teh Johanna Lindsey cheeze. :)
My hot men built that hut for me. They toiled whilst I sat in the shade and cracked my whip.
They toiled whilst I sat in the shade and cracked my whip.
I read that as TOILET and thought "Man, that Jen is even pervier that we all thought!"
Bev - Even *I* am not that nasty.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Vane & Rule. Excellent choices. Vane for his love of the plus-sized woman and Rule for his ability to remove clothing with nothing but a flick of his hands. Yum!
And that scene in Demon You Know? I know, I know, I've mentioned it a gazillion times, but whoo-boy! :D
And Kade too...*sigh* Most of my heroes err on the side of conservative, but in the bedroom? *cheshire cat grin*
Bridget - The chair scene in the office? Yeah, that one steamed up the windows. Very nice.
Kade was my favorite guy in the first couple of Riley Jenson books. I need to get back into that series.
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