Ethan McCabe (Demon Night, Meljean Brook)
Does he need an introduction? Beneath Ethan's awe-shucks cowboy demeanor is a deadly gun-slinger. He's a bad-ass with the best of them, but he doesn't flaunt it. He knows how awesome he is without waving his gun around in public. He has a knight-in-shining armor complex, no matter how hard he tries to fight it. Cowboys are my weakness. Protective hunky cowboys? Double swoon. Move over Charlie, Ethan is mine. He can fly me off the island whenever I need a break. He can fan me with his--very large--wings. He will let me ride his...horse. *grin*

Hugh Castleford (Demon Angel, Meljean Brook)
And now for the literal knight-in-shining armor (sense a theme?), Hugh. I might be nervous about crossing Lilith and stealing her man, but she doesn't seem adverse to sharing. I can haz honor? Hugh is the poster child for it. *sigh* He tries to fight against his Lillith lub, but he cannot. We can lub her together. And - oh! - he has wings. *grin*

My first crush. He will save me no matter how TSTL I am. He will do as I wish while ordering me around for my best interests. He will worship my breastises. He will come back from the dead to wuv me more. Wuv, twu wuv!

Lord Robert Andreville (Robin) (Angel Rogue, Mary Jo Putney)
Yes, this photo is technically the cover flap for Joanna Bourne's The Spymaster's Lady. However, it is my personal opinion that Robin was an inspiration for Grey. Both Regency spies. Both take a walking road trip across England with the heroine while pretending to be someone else. Ms. Bourne is a squeeing fangirl of Ms. Putney's (as I witnessed at RWA). Handsome? check. Protective? check. Daring? check. Intelligent? check. Robin is more relaxed and funnier than the serious Grey. He makes me laugh. Laughing is good.

Kieran vel Solande (Tairen Soul Series, C.L. Wilson)
The youngest Fey warrior is "an exceptionally strong master of Earth, Air, Spirit, and Fire, and a 4th level Talent in Water, and has completed all levels of the Dance of Knives." He has finally found his shei’dalin -- me, of course. We agreed, however, that as a celtic-inspired race, he must return to his roots and use the correct Gaelic spelling of his name: Ciaran. He will also wear a kilt to celebrate his heritage. In fact, I think all my heroes will dress in kilts. Not utilikilts. Real ones. With nothing underneath. Ciaran loves children and is "the only Fey warrior whose soul is still bright and untarnished by death." As you will notice, there are no tortured heroes in my hut (except Sam, but you'll see we've satisfied what he's been craving). At Casa Ciara there is only room for good vibrations, if you know what I mean. (and I think you do.)

Garret Langham, the Earl of Mayne, (Pleasure for Pleasure, Eloisa James)
Garret is here to keep Colin Ames-Beaumont company. Since someone stole Colin first, I had to find myself a delightfully charming Regency Rake to take his place. Garret fits the bill admirably. He will be my personal stylist so that I always look Fabulous on the island. (when I'm wearing clothes, that is.) He will charm my socks off and teach me to waltz. He and Colin will entertain me with their competition to be the most Fabulous and Beautiful.

Dr. Samuel Cornick (Mercy Thompson series, Patricia Briggs)
Did someone say babies? BABIES. Yes, Dr. Cornick and I will be staring a nursery on the island and have lots of little furry babies for my protective, child-loving heroes to babysit. Oh wait, I suppose that's only Kieran, Robin and Sam. lol. Good enough. Hugh, Ethan, and Garrett can give me some R&R when I need a break from the puppies.
I luuurv your heroes Ciara! Except for the Earl of Mayne - I never read this series by Eloisa James , it is good then? I am reading her Desperate Duchesses series now and it is fabulous! I may start reading her backlist . But I digress.
*whispers so that Sebastian won't hear* Ethan! Hugh! - I envy you with your Meljean heroes.
When you mean all night long, you mean you are playing cards with your men, right?
I heart Hugh and Ethan also. I see you did not pick Michael. I am very pleased since I claim ownership over him. I have stolen him from CJ and I am not giving him back.
Since I don't read the genre I don't know any of your heroes but they look smashing. Although I must say that the last one looks suspiciously like Patrick Dempsey from Gray's Anatomy *g*
Ana - yes, I enjoyed all of Eloisa's backlist. Cute regencies filled with Shakespeare references (Ms. James being a professor of the bard).
KB - of course! Michael might be a little too brooding for me. I like my heroes to provide laughter and sparkling joy. so you can have him.
JW - yes, the character of Dr. McDreamy was actually based on Dr. Samuel. The original is ten times hawter. ;)
Ciara - you rocked the heroes. I absolutely LOVE that you posted that particular pic of Paul Newman for Ethan - just perfect IMO.
You've got some great men there and they seem to be taking care of all of your needs.
Jessewave - dear heavens woman you haven't read Meljean? Go out and purchase them! You WILL NOT be disappointed! :)
I've read the first three in that Eloisa James series. I really liked Much Ado About You and The Taming of the Duke. Pleasure for Pleasure is in my to-be-read pile -- I guess it should move higher in the pile. :)
LOL, I guess we need to have a party to celebrate the first babies born on the Island. ;)
Adam will be so happy to see Samuel settled with a litter of his own. He really is sick of that Were sniffing around his woman. ;)
Those images are fantastic representations of your heroes... especially Ethan, Hugh and Sammuel Cornick. They're exactly what I pictured! =)
Kieran, too. *sigh*
Eeeeeeethan!!!! EEEEEEEETHAN!
Yay! Thanks everyone!
love your choice of heroes and the images you picked to represent them!
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