Six novels? Wow, that’s tough. Can’t I just take my Kindle and a generator to recharge the battery? I mean I’d need a generator anyway, cause I have to plug Gilbert in somewhere.
Okay, six in no particular order. I’m being good and staying away from M/M. I figure I can make up my own stories with M/M if I got too bored.
Julia Quinn’s When He Was Wicked (this books makes me cry like a baby)
Judith McNaught’s Whitney, My Love (Clayton is sooo sexy, and for a regency heroine Whitney is just too cool)
Judith McNaught’s Something Wonderful (Jordan Townsend….*shivers* and note the last name)
Teresa Medeiros’ A Kiss to Remember (this one makes me go ahhhhh… and have a real good sappy feeling way down deep after reading it)
Merline Lovelace’s The Horse Solider (I’ve always loved the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. And a Calvary solider? Yum!)
Gaelen Foley’s The Duke (another one that is just darn good and makes you run the gamut of emotions)
Okay, six in no particular order. I’m being good and staying away from M/M. I figure I can make up my own stories with M/M if I got too bored.
Julia Quinn’s When He Was Wicked (this books makes me cry like a baby)
Judith McNaught’s Whitney, My Love (Clayton is sooo sexy, and for a regency heroine Whitney is just too cool)
Judith McNaught’s Something Wonderful (Jordan Townsend….*shivers* and note the last name)

Teresa Medeiros’ A Kiss to Remember (this one makes me go ahhhhh… and have a real good sappy feeling way down deep after reading it)
Merline Lovelace’s The Horse Solider (I’ve always loved the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. And a Calvary solider? Yum!)
Gaelen Foley’s The Duke (another one that is just darn good and makes you run the gamut of emotions)
Six heroes? Again that’s sooo not fair. Only six?
Kahn and Sobehk from Morgan Hawk’s Victorious Star (um, 2 penises a piece or is that peni? At any rate… yum. And both so dominant too.)
Jake Robinson from Suzanne Brockman’s The Admiral’s Bride (oh man there is just something about older men)
Reese from Jet Mykle’s Purgatory (what can’t I say, he’s just too cute and he’s an artist)
Leon from Ally Blue’s Untamed Heart (gotta love assassins, they are so sexy)
Tate Winthorp from Diana Palmer’s Paper Rose (don’t ask, I’ve no idea. On a positive note, he is NA)
Kahn and Sobehk from Morgan Hawk’s Victorious Star (um, 2 penises a piece or is that peni? At any rate… yum. And both so dominant too.)

Reese from Jet Mykle’s Purgatory (what can’t I say, he’s just too cute and he’s an artist)
Leon from Ally Blue’s Untamed Heart (gotta love assassins, they are so sexy)
Tate Winthorp from Diana Palmer’s Paper Rose (don’t ask, I’ve no idea. On a positive note, he is NA)
Great choices in both books and heroes. I just love Reese - such a hottie. It's so great having you on the blog - can't wait to see what you have in store for us on Day 3.
Robert from The Duke gives the true meaning to the word hero. I must have re-read that book too many times to count. :D
I guess I really do need Whitney, My Love sometime in the future.
oh yay, another fan of The Duke! I had that one on my list o' six. Just an all-around luscious historical. *g*
you're brave to admit to liking Whitney. I dunno how many times I have seen readers go OFF in indignation on the clayton spanking scene. lol. for myself, I can barely remember the details as I read it a long time ago. spanking could be kinky tho. mebbe i need to reread.
Really? Oh man I liked that scene. It fit the book. Besides, she SOOOO deserved that. I mean HELLO??? Act like a spoilt brat get treated like one. And he can spank me anytime. But yeah it's kind of a bodice ripper, there was like a rape scene too. But honestly it worked for me because I imagine things like that happened in that time period.
Yup the Duke was a good one. Gaelen Foley is a great author. She also has some great research material on her site for those of you interested.
Oh and speaking os scenes, the scene in Pugatory where Luc is at the school? People kinda go off on that too, but I can't imagine Jet having done that scene any differently. It SOOO worked and was in character.
Sigh, I love When He Was Wicked. I LOVE how much Michael loves Francesca!! I definitely cried a few times throughout...hmm, I need to pull that one back off my shelf for a re-read :) The only other one I've read is WML and the rape scene icked me out a lil ;)
ok how badly do I suck? And not in a good way! lol I haven't read any of your book choices or the books that have your heroes in them. Damn -my TBR is already HUGE! haha. Oh well, I love buying books! :) Now I have to go check these out.
I haven't read any of the books on your list o' six, JL. Nor am I familiar with any of the guys from your heroes list. I think I need to be in the hut adjacent to you so I can borrow some1
Oh what a great idea Christine!! Always thinking, I like that. :)
Oh I hear you. The rape was not a favorite part trust me, but I can see how it worked for the story. I bet that sort of thing DID happen back then. I'd be much less forgiving in a contemporary, but in that time women were little more than property, so... it was what it was and in that situation I can see something like that taking place. Given the choice of men, I can also see her forgiving him. nowadays? No way! I'd be yelling for her to shoot him.
The spanking on the other hand...I'm going to have people yelling at me but oh well. I was rooting him on. she had that coming and again in that day and age, him being a duke? Who knows what he could have done to her. He could probably have had her drawn and quartered for something as minor as verbal assault LOL
Christine and Tracy
But of course! just don't crease the spines. Not that I'm anal about how my books are taken care of or anything *G*
Okay, that's great, J.L.! But I was talking about the menz. Do I get to borrow them, too? ;p
Um, I was talking men as well. lol
Great picks of books and heroes!
I think I have read 1 Judith McNaught,Paradise, and it was a DNF for me...too many Big Mis's but I have heard good things about WML so I checked my library and put it on hold.
Good choices and its nice to have you here on DIK. Love your books and waiting for TEA!
JL...you're such a sucker for those regency romances. As am I.
Hey I met Teresa Mederos and I GUSHED. GUSHED I tell ya..and then I met Connie Brockway and I was a total tool and said something like: I loved that book, shit what was it's name??? And she just looked at me and Sula was like: LB for real? ANd then Connie couldn't remember the title either and... ah good times. I bought her contemporary and she signed it. She should have signed it: You're a freak, Love Connie.
bwahaha... Y'all are so bad! Share the men... LOL
thanks Kim
yup. Now you know where Mfc came from*g*
Uh, Kahn and Sobehk were from Fallen Star. Victorious Star had Aubrey and Seht. Can't go wrong with any of them, they're all delicously dom.
Doesn't Brockmann write the best heros? ::sigh::
erm, we are going to have to agree to disagree in regards to WML. It had my most dreaded dealbreaker: multiple Big Mis. blerg.
When He Was Wicked... love it!
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