So, without further ado, here's my list of who I'd steal:
First a foremost, I'd be surprised if Shannon didn't hear the hissyfit I threw in DC when she picked Adam Hauptman from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series. He was next on my list when Shannon picked him. I've noticed that I am strongly drawn to heroes who have a lot of responsibility, and Adam, like Lucas and Hawke in my hut is an alpha. Not only that, but he takes in a lot of refugees from other packs. He's a father, a leader and shows impressive patience in waiting for Mercy to finally come around to realize that she's his mate. I LOVES him.
And while Shannon is looking at the shiny things that I'm going to hand her in order to steal her men, I'm going to take Stan Wolchonock. I love Stan because he's NOT a good looking guy. Oh sure, he won't scare small children, but that's not what draws us to him. He's generally a sweet tempered guy, who has had a thing for Teri, his heroine, for a long time. He's honorable and decent and a hero (not just the hero of the book, but you know, and ACTUAL hero.) With apologies to Sam Starrett, he's my favorite Brockmann hero.
I actually gasped when Sam Kane picked Doyle, The Queen's Darkness. The minute she chose him, I was all, "Damn, I wish I'd thought of that!" I'm not a huge fan of LKH's Anita Blake series, but I still zoom out to buy the Merry series and almost all of that has to do with Doyle. I love him.
I discovered over this year that Sula and I are of the same mind about our heroes. She totally gets my obsession with Rhage and respects it. She might respect it a little less once I pick him out of her pocket. But hey, she understands the draw. What I love best about Rhage is that he is brought to his knees by his woman. He's a caregiver and has a generally sweet nature. Sure, he can be deadly, but I love how he loves his woman. Plus, he has the magical tatt, and he makes with the dirty talk. Both totally work for me.
Sula also has Keir of the Cat in her hut. I chose Warprize as one of my books to bring to the island, and it's pretty much solely because of Keir. His need for peace, his love of Lara, his leadership against great adversity. Plus, he looks good in leather.
Tracy picked Caine Allen from Sarah McCarty's Caine's Reckoning. I arrived very late to the Sarah McCarty party (hey, that rhymes!). So I have no complaints about Tracy picking him. I'd just like to borrow him for a night. He's so dominant and leaning just slightly towards rough that I love him. Plus, he's a cowboy. Can't underestimate that.
Sarai chose Gage Travis from Lisa Kleypas' Sugar Daddy. I've always adored Lisa's heroes. And Gage is one of my favorites, mostly because he is constantly surprising Liberty, his heroine, with his actions. Sure, he's the quintessential southern man, but he's also quite evolved. Plus, he's got a dominant personality, but truly respects women. What a guy!
My last pickpocket is probably the biggest. Due to this fantastic exercise, I read and truly fell in love with Anne Bishop's brilliant Black Jewel Trilogy. It's been ages since I've read a fantasy book so darkly textured with interesting characters, an epic battle of good and evil and more than that a captivating hero. Daemon Sadi remains my favorite hero of this year. What's not to love about him? He loves his woman utterly, and due to that love has to slightly subjugate his dominance due to her incredible power. While I don't begrudge Tracy Daemon in her hut, I am DAMN jealous of it!
So there you have it. There were many other awesome heroes on the island, but these were the ones who jumped out at him.
Who from everyone's picks would you have chosen?