Happy Thanksgiving Q & A With
Josh and Lisabea
As usual, when I pop by the Island, I like to bring my pal Josh Lanyon for an alcoholic bev and some witty repartee. Today we're offering ten questions to each other and to readers, PLUS a prize or two.
So Josh asks five, and I, Lisabea/LBea/LB Gregg ask five, but we all have to answer ten. Here we go!
(I am in Blue; Josh Lanyon is in brown, because he's just STUNNING in brown).

Josh: Okay, here are my questions and answers:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Do we count the rinsing away of toothpaste? No! The SO just appeared with Irish Coffee. TGIF! Yum.
LBea: Coffee. It's always coffee! I need to add some new fluids to my life.
Josh: 2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
I'm in the middle of a huge argument with someone though I haven't told her yet. Believe it or not, I actually hate confrontation, so while I can fly off the handle when it's not that big a deal, when the hurt goes deep I've generally got nothing to say. It's lockdown time. She's dead to me.
LBea: I'm not speaking to you. I am your bf. You would never hold back.
::bites nails::
Josh: 3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? (LBea interrupts: YES) Seriously, I take a boring vitamin supplement because my diet is shit. Well, not literally. And I take vitamin B and Omega fish oil stuff.
LBea: I was taking vitamins, but I always forget. I'm more likely to take Motrin.
Josh: 4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
I dread them ALL. Mostly because I haven't done any of them. I guess I dread starting the list of chores the most, because once I'm in that mode, it will be okay. It's like war. Thinking about battle is much worse than...hmmm. Maybe not such a good analogy. I do hope the turkey won't be shooting back this year.
LBea: My new holiday dread is wall papering the hallway ever again.
Josh: 5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
As a teenager...I read voraciously. And I tended to take everything very seriously. I think this is true of a of books we read when we're young. It seems like...this is gospel, this is how the world is, and these initial storytellers carry great weight. Which is why it really is a huge responsibility as to what we let children and teens read. I remember I read a great deal from the Scholastic bookclub. Anyone remember that? And one book was about this guy named David and his friend...and I can't remember the friend's name, but he's a conscientious objector and he dies in Viet Nam. There's something about David's father accusing the friend of being gay, but to be honest, a lot of that went right over my head at the time. I mean, I was still waiting for the Black Stallion to show up in my life.
LBea: Snort. I'll send you a My Little Pony.
I've said Dancer's of Arun before--but I'm going to go with Fern Michael's Captive Surrender (or was it Embrace?). I was in high school and it was my first lady pirate romance. I wrote an English paper about becoming a lady pirate and I received a glowing A from my teacher who thought I was 'so interesting'--but sekretly I was reading pron!
LBea: 6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? I know this is precipitous. I don't care.
I'm such a WASP--Once in Royal David City is my fav real song. And I love Mariah singing O Holy Night in that video when she's in church with her bubbies hanging out and she's in a Jessica Rabbit Red Dress vamping it up for baby Jesus. Now that's what I call Christmas!
Josh - The Rebel Jesus. But here's where I confess that I love Christmas music. It is SO uncool. But I do. Pretend fave? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I love all those jazzy, vintage-y Chestnuts Saved From the Fire faves. Ideally sung by Ella or Frankie or Der Bingle or Satchmo.
LBea: 7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
You're so hot I can't keep my hands off you. I want you all the time.
What? I am not making that up!
Josh: "How's your head?"
He was talking about my headache of the night before, I hasten to add. Serious here!
LBea: 8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Stuff that mother! In the bird! Also stuffing should have lots of sausage. Mmmmm...sausage.
Josh - You don't know where that bird has been! Side dish. It's an ongoing bone of contention in this household, by the way. I am all about the side dishes.
LBea: 9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Monty Python's Holy Grail--and School of Rock, Moonstruck, The Bird Cage, and (Colin Firth) Pride and Prejudice. I like to laugh and I love love.
Josh - And we love to laugh at you. WITH YOU. Seriously, though...Gunga Din, Young Frankenstein, The Big Sleep...any episode of The Professionals.
Mine is The Dark Tide. BOOYAH!!!!
Josh- What?! You can't pick a book that isn't published yet. Pick something else. (LBea: No. Make me.) Meanwhile...what am I supposed to pick when I haven't read anything in months??? Books I am taking with me to DIY island...Dash and Dingo by Sean Kennedy, Three Wrong Turns in the Desert by Neil Plakcy...okay, I will take recommends on this. OH, I know. Ginn Hale's sequel to Wicked Gentlemen. When's that coming out? ( I am NOT making fun of you, Sweetbea).
So. Answer the Ten Questions by Monday Morning 7 am (I can't do midnight Sunday, sorry. Am too tired) and you may be selected to win a copy of Dangerous Grounds II: Old Poison! And an LB Gregg your choice Smithfield novella.
The Questions Again:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
May I just say that the pictures, as ever, are BRILLIANT. *g*
I make a fine turkey.
Ohh! A list. My favorite!
The Questions Again:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. Diet Dr. Pepper. Is it me, or does this question sound kind of pervy? Dirty, dirty LBea!
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? Scott. It will have to suffice to say that *I* over reacted and *I* apologized.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
I don't care for coffee. And I hope this answer doesn't mean we can't be friends LBea
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? Putting together the Christmas tree, followed closely by stringing the lights.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
The Count of Monte Cristo. Romance! Intrigue! Swashbuckling! I'm in. It made me understand that the "a classic" isn't necessarily a bad thing.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
My *real* favorite Christmas song is Silent Night, when the church is dark, and everyone passes the light of Christmas to each other. My pretend holiday song is Christmas in Kilarney. I sing it to make my nieces crazed.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"I love you, Baby, I'll talk to you soon."
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Well, I'll cop to being a pansy, but we do our stuffing in a crock pot, which makes it as moist as in the bird. This year we're talking about putting it into the bird 1/2 through cooking.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
There are a ton, but the one that occurs most is When Harry Met Sally. It's my all time favorite movie. Ever.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Well, my pick is coming up soon, and it will either be Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas or Scandal by Carolyn Jewel.
Fun list! Josh, welcome back to the island, it's always fantastic to have you visit!
Great interview you two, lotsa fun!
And to play along, here are my answers......
1 - Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. Can't get enough of this creamy goodness.
2 - My sister, she was being annoyingly hypocritical. If you ask her though, she won't realize we were having an argument. I don't usually raise my voice so if she thought I was annoyed she probably thought I had PMS.
3 - You betcha! Anything that helps you get your day started is good imho.
4 - Putting all the Christmas decorations away.
5 - Green Eggs and Ham. I still quote from it even now.
6 - Fav real one is Bing Crosby/White Christmas and pretend one is anything by Mannheim Steamroller (their modern keyboard stuff is getting a bit dated to me).
7 - I hope you sleep better tonight because you're kinda grumpy this morning.
8 - Cooked in the bird, but then transferred to a bowl for serving. We have cooked it this way for generations, so I wouldn't do it any different. Cooking in the cavity adds extra flavor.
9 - The Cutting Edge, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Wizard of Oz, and Gone With the Wind.
10 - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Great answers guys and this will kill 5 min. and distract me from the mist and rain.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. diet pomegranite soda
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?I rarely argue, probably my kid over something parent/kid related
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? no
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? cleaning
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.Nancy Drew, what girl didn't want to be as independent and smart as Nancy. Who needed boys?
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? Real Christms? Ummm. No clue what that means. Religious? I don't do religion & Christmas. Non-real, like Josh said, pretty much any of the old standards by the original artists, oh wait Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? The imaginary guy I left in my bed? My cat? My rabbit? The fridge delivery guy? My kid? She said "See ya tomorrow".
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?Out of a box
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Beetlejuice, The Christmas Story
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Dash and Dingo or the final 5 (in total) of Sweet Oblivion. It's over. :-(
Mmmm, I want an Irish coffee now.
The Questions Again:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Snakebite (lager, cider and a bit of blackcurrant to make it less vile)
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
A security guard who thought I was too neatly dressed to be allowed into the gay club. Grrr
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
If it is, I'm shamefully deficient. :(
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
Hanging tinsel everywhere. It's so gaudy.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Hamlet - brooding indecisive anguished souls was definitely something I identified with.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
That song by Slade that gets played all the time is my pretend one. I'm actually very fond of Once in Royal David's City.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"Have you read my poem? It was published in the college magazine."
(He doesn't realise I'm in love with him and yes, he's a bit of an egotistical twit)
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
I'm English. We don't celebrate your funny holidays.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Some Like It Hot and Interview With the Vampire.
and Tigerland because of Colin Farrell looking moody at the moon.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Plato's Republic. I just read it for my course and realised that Plato was a freak!
(widowedanthem on LJ)
-Josh: "How's your head?" He was talking about my headache of the night before, I hasten to add. Serious here!-
Josh sat at the table holding his head in case it fell off.
Paraphrasing The Larton Chronicles because there's no better description of a morning after head =^;^=.
I'm chickening out of answering the questions, partly because sadly I already have all the carrots dangled.
The only comment I'd like to add is that yes, Colin Firth is the best Mr Darcy ever, but I'll sit down and watch P & P with Matthew McFadyen anytime, too.
Unless North and South with Richard Armitage is on the box, of course *g*.
That's a particularly yummy Adrien pic, BTW! Only 32 days...
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. Very hot English Breakfast tea.
2 – Who was the last person you had an argument with – and why? SO. He was being difficult about picking up the kids.
3 – Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? Yes, but only if it’s heavy on the Irish.
4 – What holiday chore do you most dread? Wrapping gifts. It’s always me, alone at 2:00 a.m. Christmas morning, knowing the paper won’t have creased before it’s a pile of recycling.
5 – Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. As a teen, Wheel of Time. Very epic fantasy.
6) What’s your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? Christmas Rapping and Santa Baby.
7) What’s the last thing your love said to you this morning? “All politicians are corrupt!”
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? On the side in a decidedly not pansy Le Cruset dish. Food service background prevents me from wanting anything “steamed” in poultry juice. And, I brine my turkey, can’t stuff it.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Princess Bride, Ronin, Singin’ in the Rain.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Tigers and Devils, Sean Kennedy. (Dark Tide if I had my druthers.)
Great questions guys.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. A fortifying cup of Yorkshire tea.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? My eldest son when I was trying to prevent him from tormenting his brother yet again.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? Never had it, but it sounds like it could be :)
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? Tidying the house, only to find that the rooms are being systematically untidied behind me.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. Ooh tough one. I'd like to say it was something very deep or one of the classics but most likely it was the stacks of Mills and Boon I used to drag home from the library every week.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? Favourite carol is In the Bleak Mid Winter. Favourite Christmas song is Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? "Bye then, have a good day".
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? Don't have Thanskgiving here, but at Christmas we have both. The turkey is usually stuffed with posh stuffing like chestnuts and apricot and then we have good ole Sage and Onion in a side dish for the plebs who don't like the fancy stuff.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? When I was a teen I used to know all the words to The Breakfast Club and The Lost Boys. Now it's the LOTR Trilogy (favourite line "What new devilry is this?" and Shrek (the latter from having been forced to watch it with the kids).
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Tigers and Devils by Sean Kennedy.
woooo! Fun way to kill time =D
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
tea...because it was sitting on the night stand when i woke up
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
this idiot for higher singer who forgot his guitar at my brothers wedding
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
the best possible kind
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
cleaning up for and after the holidays
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Brace New World. How i wish soma was real.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
Carol of the Bells - the metallica version. Does that count? Best pretend - the hokey pokey. We do it at Christmas to annoy the children
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"Can I have your leftover breakfast burrito?" Naturally on survival instincts i said no.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
INSIDE! Let it soak up some bird juice!
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Lord of the Rings. mmm...all those males together!
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Zero to the Bone - Jane Seville. Just awesome.
Welcome back to the Island Josh! You and LB make fine, fine turkeys. :)
The last fluid to pass your lips.
Coffee - drip
Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
I'm trying to remember. It was probably my oldest daughter because she likes to argue All.The.Time.
Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
If it's not it damn well should be.
What holiday chore do you most dread?
Putting the lights on the outside of the house. I hate to say it but sometimes it just doesn't get done.
Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. This was one of those that I could relate to in so many different ways when I read it.
What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
Real song? I'd have to say it was a toss up between What Child Is This? and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Pretend: (what does that mean?) Gabriel's Message by Sting.
What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
Bye - see ya later. (he's just so damned romantic)
Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Whatever my mother makes - and I have no idea if it's stuffed or side..it's good.
What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
The Santa Clause with Tim Allen
Serendipity with John Cusack
My Cousin Vinnie
What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you. Just kidding. If I tell you then someone else will think of it and then take my pick *whines*
oops that was supposed to be My Cousin Vinny. Duh.
"As usual, when I pop by the Island, I like to bring my pal Josh Lanyon for an alcoholic bev and some witty repartee."
HEY! I resemble... er... resent that remark!
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
My saliva. neener-neener-neener
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
Myself. Should I get my work done or defend my honor by posting this?
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
I no likey da java! Give me tea brewed until the bag is about to disolve away, then serve it in a huge beer stein.
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
All of it. Every damn second of it. I HATE shopping the most though.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Stolen... er... borrowed from my jr. high library and accidently not returned: Alfred HItchcock's Stories for Late at Night This anthology made me realize how much I like the dark and macabre.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) or I'll Be Home for Christmas.
All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth and I want a Hippopotamos For Christmas make me weepy because I remember each of my kids' kindergarten classes singing those. *sniffle* My oldest two just turned 23, #3 is 17 now, and my baby is about to turn 14 in Feb.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"Luv you. I'll call you later.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Dude, the answer is D- ALL of the above. One can never have too much stuffing (WITH NO FREAKIN' SAUSAGE)! I mean, really, if you're not going to make extra for leftovers, why bother cooking at all? Just hit a restaurant.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
A Knight's Tale. Forrest Gump.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
The newest (to me) is the audio book of Stephanie Laurens Devil's Bride which is already on my print DIK list, but now that I've heard Simon Prebble's narration, I think HE will be doing my yearly re-reads.
Bev--My youngest will be 14 in Feb too!
Oh my! All these answers are wonderful. I'm loving all the movie answers.
"Bev--My youngest will be 14 in Feb too!"
Do you have songs that make you all weepy for your babies too?
Fun list! Josh, welcome back to the island, it's always fantastic to have you visit!
Thanks, Katie B.
Great answers.
2 - My sister, she was being annoyingly hypocritical. If you ask her though, she won't realize we were having an argument.
Isn't this maddening when you're fighting with someone and they don't know it? I am OFTEN guilty of this. *g*
"Santa Baby." Heh. Great choice, Kris.
Great choice, Kris.
TAM. Why is Kris on my mind?!
I meant Tam. *g*
The Questions Again:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Snakebite (lager, cider and a bit of blackcurrant to make it less vile)
It still sounds sufficiently vile to me.
Paraphrasing The Larton Chronicles because there's no better description of a morning after head =^;^=.
It is quite brilliant. *g*
7) What’s the last thing your love said to you this morning? “All politicians are corrupt!”
My God I love this. Sounds like home.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? My eldest son when I was trying to prevent him from tormenting his brother yet again
This is all part of the natural selection process, Jen. We're not going to let you come on any more missions if you keep interfering with the prime directive.
this idiot for higher singer who forgot his guitar at my brothers wedding
Shoot. Him.
oops that was supposed to be My Cousin Vinny. Duh.
NOT that you're paranoid or anything, Tracy. *g*
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
All of it. Every damn second of it. I HATE shopping the most though.
It's like seven rings of hell or a six layer burrito or something, isn't it? *g* No sooner do you finish one task then the evil fairies give you another harder one.
Why is Kris on my mind?!
Cos you luff me so, Josh. *bats eyelashes*
Here are my answers:
1. The last fluid to pass your lips. Coffee.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? Not really an argument, but it was with my brother and about why an m/f pic would be on a m/m post. Needless to say he was a little perturbed when I pointed out the 'boobs' were actually a boy butt and even more so when I went on to explain why the boy was lying on the other boy in that way. *hehehe*
3. Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? This is a trick question, right.
4. What holiday chore do you most dread? Constantly putting the ornaments back on the tree - those that haven't been broken that is - after the boy kittens have finished 'playing' for the gazillionth time that day. *sigh*
5. Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. Hmmm, not really sure that I have one. In terms of influencing my reading right up to the present day it would have to be 'Pride & Prejudice' and Susan Cooper's 'The Dark is Rising' series.
6. What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favourite pretend Holiday song? I love anything sung by Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby. I drive my family nuts. As to pretend... 'Six White Boomers' by Rolf Harris. Kidding. I've always had a fondness for 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.' It brings back great childhood memories.
7. What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? Miaow.
8. Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? No Thanksgiving here in Oz.
9. What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Grease, Goonies, The Princess Bride, The Breakfast Club... can you guess in which decade I grew up. Dear God.
10. What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? No way I'm telling. These biatches steal books out from under you.
Kris--such Drama! I knew someone was going to steal Katiebab's DIK choice.
DIK residents are choosing new books this week--and Katiebabs just had Demon Forged TAKEN.
OH the Breakfast Club! And Ten Things I Hate About You. Great movie choices everyone!
Very interesting answers, from both of you.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Coffee, always coffee, it's half of what makes the world go around. (the other half is chocolate, of course)
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
It was that long ago I can't remember. I tend to avoid arguments.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
It should be! I'd be more inclined to take vitamins then.
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
None. I am a total Christmas elf and I really enjoy every part of it, even the cleaning before decorating bit! (I'm sick, I know)
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Probably 'Dancers of Arun'. It opened my eyes in a lot of ways and I really wish I still had a copy of it.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
Hmmm, real one - Carol of the Bells, pretend, Driving Home For Christmas by Chris Rea
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"If it's out of date, throw it out." (discussing arnica ointment for my bruised heel)
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
We don't have Thanksgiving in Australia - guess Aussies have nothing to be thankful for. *g* But I detest stuffing, so it would be neither.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one), any ep of The Professionals, and How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Dash and Dingo by Catt Ford and Sean Kennedy (and as of December 22, The Dark Tide - want it quite desperately)
By Jenn:
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Grape Gatorade
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
My mother. Not an argument persay. She was venting.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
Don't drink coffee. But if you say it is...
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
Putting up the faux Christmas tree. Supposedly I'm the only one capable.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Two books: @15: The Blooding (the 1st murder case to be resolved by "genetic fingerprinting") and @17: Flight: My Life In Mission Control (about NASA, written by the first flight director).
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
O Holy Night and Christmas Is All Around from Love Actually.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
Thanks for my treat. (He's a mutt, what do you expect)
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Don't eat it, ever. But we always cook it in the turkey.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Independence Day, Apollo 13, The Goonies, Rookie of the Year, The Cutting Edge.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Touching Evil by Rob Knight.
oh this was so fun. you two make a great pair. :)
as for the questions...after you see the answer to number 1, the rest of the answers will make more sense.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. red wine
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- someone from school, a stupid misunderstanding
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? sure; it contains the four major food groups. alcohol, sugar, caffeine and fat!
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? cleaning up.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. Outlander. le sigh.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? The Christmas Song or any of those old crooner nat king cole, bing crosby, etc. songs. fav pretend song is "how'd you like to spend christmas on christmas island" cuz it's so silly.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? bye.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? both!
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Princess Bride, Last of the Mohicans, and Casablanca. Also the Disney cartoon version of Robin Hood.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally by Marcus J. Borg (ok, not romance but it rocked my recovering missionary kid world) *g*
1. - The last fluid to pass your lips. Hot, black, sweet tea.
2. - Who was the last person you had an argument with and why? My daughter, "Please tell me your not wearing THAT to school?"
3. - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? Sure, just like prozac is one.
4. - What holiday chore do you most dread? Putting together the *gd* tree.
5. - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. TinTin comics. I wanted to be a rum swilling, profanity spewing sea captain.
6. - What's your favorite real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song. Well, I'm from WV so my favorite pretend song is "Grandma got run over by a reindeer". Real would be anything sung by Karen Carpenter.
7. - What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? "You're going on a date with who?"
8. - Thanksgiving question: dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? I hate even touching raw poultry, so I'm a pansy.
9. - Favorite movie? Cold Comfort Farm, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
10. - Desert Island Keeper list? Anything by Josh Lanyon, Charlie Cochrane, Z A Maxfield and TinTin, of course.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
*Orange Mango Juice
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
*My Mum b/c I keep ignoring my asthma meds.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
*Cleaning up everything after the chaos is over.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
*Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
*Real Fave - Silent Night
*Pretend Fave - Jingle Bells
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
*mrow...rub my belly
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
*In the bird but I never eat it.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
*XXX, Underworld, any of the Blade movies
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
*Accidental Slave by Claire Thompson
LOL Kris and I are like virtual twins Josh. :-)
1. Mountain Dew
2. Has to be my daughter, she is at that age where she knows everything and I know nothing.
3. I believe Irish Coffee is a food group called 'weekend breakfast' so I'm sure it could also be a vitamin.
4. Shopping - I'd rather people just told me what they wanted and I would happily go buy it, and then give it to them unwrapped and immediately.
5. Two pop to mind: Black Like Me - it was amazing to me since I never knew anyone with a different skin color than me and I never knew anything about racial discrimination, and A Separate Peace (which I never returned to my grade 10 English class)
6. I love all Christmas music but not before mid December and not after the new year.
7. Nothing, he loves me too much to wake me when he gets up at 5:30 am.
8. Dressing IN the bird - no question and I agree LBea, it needs lots of pork sausage in it.
9. Moonstruck, The Last of the Mohicans, Pride & Prejudice (Colin Firth version)
10. I'm holding out for The Dark Tide and then I'll put the complete series on my list.
PS, this was for fun, I own all the Smithfield series and also Old Poison...so carry on.
Cos you luff me so, Josh. *bats eyelashes*
Exactly! Even though you get it OH SO WRONG about Jake. *g* You do have good taste in music at least.
Ah ha, Janice. I see you. *g*
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Grape Gatorade
that made my teeth hurt!
Hey there, Sula! Long time no see! How's married life?
5. - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. TinTin comics. I wanted to be a rum swilling, profanity spewing sea captain.
Well yeah. Of course! You know it.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
*My Mum b/c I keep ignoring my asthma meds.
No, no. Don't do that. We want everyone safe and well for the holidays.
4. Shopping - I'd rather people just told me what they wanted and I would happily go buy it, and then give it to them unwrapped and immediately.
I know. And even worse, I would like people to do this for me. It would save us all so much trouble and all that bad acting.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips. clean version ill stick with the clena one Mellow yellow
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? My fiance because i was being moody
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? sure anythingw ith Irish in it is bound to be healthy
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? the whole lovey doveyness with family who fake it around this time of year then bakc stabes you later on
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.thatw as afewyrs ago i cant even remember last week for real id have to say After the night by Linda Howard
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? real or pretend i dont like christmas songs really
if i had to pick one Do You Hear What I Hear?sung by any of the legends Nat Bing Frank ect
pretend Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? Good night and I love you we go to bed in the mornings and are up at night we have rockstar hours
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? Inside the bird gasps at the idea of it in apan and not in the bird
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Blade the trilligy any horror film that i sene a million times
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Paradise Rules
what a fun interview hi josh And Lisabea
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
- Greek frappe. Foams, lots of them.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
- An idiot who told me 0.2 is not a percentage!!!! Argh.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
- Of course. All alcoholic beverages have vitamin.
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
- Unpacking. I am a neat freak, it has to be done the minute I get home.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
- Return of the Condor Heroes - it's a martial-art fantasy book.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
- You mean there's "fake" Christmas song? I love the "Blue Christmas" version by the awesome Low.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
- "Not now..."
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
- Stuffing stuffing stuffing... chestnut is a good idea.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
- It has to be Lynch's "Blue Velvet". I am obsessed about that film.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
- Strange Fortune! Even though I am only half-way through it. I know I am taking it to the island.
Thanks for the fun qizzies - happy Thanksgiving to you all across the pond and don't eat too much!
Great answers-- I may have to steal some. :P
1. The last fluid to pass you lips.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with and why?
My 10 yo daughter. She was mad I wouldn't let her go to a friend's house because she'd already promised her grandparents and cousins she'd go to dinner with them.
3. Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
I don't drink coffee, so I've never really thought about it.
4. What holiday chore do you dread the most?
Putting out all the Christmas village houses. Fortunately, I've convinced my daughter that would be a fun job for her to do this year.
5. Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Hmm, don't know about influenced, but I was really into all the Daphne du Maurier books as a teen.
6. What's your fave real Christmas song and your fave pretend holiday song?
Real-- "O Holy Night". Pretend-- "Snow Miser/ Heat Miser" song from "The Year Without a Santa Claus" and "Baby, It's Cold Outside".
7. What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
"The high today is 68, and it'll be sunny. Love you."
8. Dressing in the bird or on the side?
I don't eat it, but I'd have to go with on the side.
9. What movies can you watch again and again?
"Monty Python's Holy Grail", "Young Frankenstein", "The Princess Bride", "Support Your Local Sheriff". And I have a special fondness for "Tootsie" because when I was a kid we lived in Saudi Arabia, and it was the only movie we had, so we watched it over and over and over.
10. Newest addition to DIK list.
Come Dec. 22, it'll be The Dark Tide. For now I'll say The Channeling Morpheus/ Sweet Oblivion series by JCP.
Oh, and I already have the books Josh and LB, so don't put me in the drawing.
I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful your answers are! I've been following along on my cellphone.
Sula--I think we've established that Irish Coffee is a vitamin!
Nichem--Princess Bride! I love that book, too.
Winterbird--Blue Velvet. Haven't watched that in years, but I give a tiny nod to it in an upcoming novel. That ear in the bag was priceless.
SiNn~After the night by Linda Howard Faith and Gray!! Classic right there.
I forgot to say I already have the books too. Just answered for fun.
Josh--I will tell you exactly what I want for Christmas to make your shopping easier!!! It's a book. It's coming out in December. And it rhymes with Lark Side.
Liz, remember when you said "no question and I agree LBea, it needs lots of pork sausage in it." ?
I want that on a t-shirt.
Moonstruck is the best. I can never decide which character I like best because they are all equally wonderful.
S7anna~I agree with Lanyon here--breathing is GOOD. :)
So is orange mango juice.
You guys are too funny.
I love when I comment a bunch of times in a row and my burly nekkid Smithfielder shows up!
Anonymous~We just should never combine vitamin Irish Coffee with vitamin Prozac.
Cosmonaut~Christmas Is All Around from Love Actually. I'm putting that movie on my list to see again. Just..uhm...not with the teenagers.
Janice~Probably 'Dancers of Arun'. It opened my eyes in a lot of ways and I really wish I still had a copy of it. Amazon has it!! And I agree.
BevQB~I do get weepy sometimes, although more often than not, I get crabby with that whole "Clean up your mess! Do your homework! Make me coffee!" thing. heh.
Poxiemon~Let it soak the juice, indeed.
Jenre~ 4 - What holiday chore do you most dread? Tidying the house, only to find that the rooms are being systematically untidied behind me.
Siriusly~ Did the Wheel of Time series end? I stopped at book...seven?
Mei Leng~That Snakebite sounds...very scary. Although I'd be game to try it.
Tam~Cleaning.yes. G just popped in to ask me how the laundry was coming and I just ...about...committed a felony. Long story but APPARENTLY I am the only one in this house who can operate the 'new' washer. PPPPPfffft.
Joder~You had me at 'spiced pumpkin".
Kati!!! :) You space shuttle girl, you. I'll still be your friend, even though you don't like coffee (more for me). Thanks for playing and I hope no one steals your DIK pick.
PHEW! Ok thanks everyone--Back to the household tasks, editing, and it's MOVIE night. 2012 or New Moon?
LBea - remember when you said "I want that on a t-shirt"?
I just snorted coffee and irish cream out my nose - so thanks for that and I love visiting the gutter, I don't know why I don't spend more time there...good company, nice view.
josh, married life is pretty cool. clearly it's made me a very lazy blogger. bad sula! good to see you and LB still rockin the casbah. :)
What a fun list! Ok, here goes:
1) The last fluid to pass your lips - Egg Drop Soup. Mmmm I love Chinese food.
2) Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? - My spouse, because he wants us to sell our house and move elsewhere
3) Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? - Well, coffee's made from beans, and I've always been told that beans are nutritionally important, so.... *grins*
4) What holiday chore do you most dread? - It fluctuates between putting up the tree, shopping for gifts, and wrapping those gifts. Oi, what a pain. If only I could wiggle my nose and make it all happen.
5) Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
The one that's forefront in my mind from my teenage years is The Castle of Otranto.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? - I think Silent Night ranks up there for me as a favorite real song. And the 12 Pains of Christmas is a favorite pretend one.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? - "I'm going outside to work on the roof, why don't you take it easy today." I fell in love with him all over again lol.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? - Gotta admit I like it in a pansy dish on the side.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? - Monty Python's Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, Space Balls, The Color Purple, and The Magic of Lassie
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Oneshot by Rowan McBride
Loved the conversation!
1. The last fluid to pass your lips: Diet Ginger Ale
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? My sis: for giving well intentioned advice that felt like she was telling me what to do with my kid. (She's the big sis/I'm the little sis. It's inevitable.)
3. Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? I don't like Bailey's, so no. But I'll vote for Mexican Coffee (with Kaluha and Tequila) as a vitamin!
4. What holiday chore do you most dread? Gift wrapping. And, I don't mean the hallway, Lisabea.
5. Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you: Not so much a book, as an ouvre. I worked my way through all (yes, all) of Agatha Christie's mysteries. I'm nothing if not obsessive. I had a reader's guide someone gave me as a gift, and checked them off as I read them.
6. What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? Real: O, Holy Night, preferrably the Al Green version. Fake: It's a mash-up of Do You Hear What I Hear and You Really Go Me by Bobby Lloyd and the Skeletons.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? He didn't, since he's home today.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? I don't like stuffing. Corn pudding, please.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Any version of P & P (or any Jane Austen story) or Bend it Like Beckham.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
What a funny and charming conversation.
1. The last fluid to pass your lips: Pike Place IPA
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? The guy at the post office--about why I couldn't bring my hundreds of packages filled with "Strange Fortune" in through the loading dock instead of the front door. You didn't ask, but I won.
3. Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? I guess you would have to define the word, "vitamin" in order for me to answer.
4. What holiday chore do you most dread? The post holiday party hangover.
5. Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
6. What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? We Three Kings, and Making Christmas from the Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? Nothing. Gone before I woke up.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? Has to be on the side. Too many vegetarians in the fam.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? Tokyo Godfathers--which actually IS a Christmas movie...though I can't imagine anyone ever showing it on American TV.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? the "Ze" series, by Yuki Shimizu.
And now that I have answered the questions, I can address the burning question posed by Josh, "When is the sequel to Wicked Gentlemen coming out?"
I don't know.
But I've read at least 30 pages of it now so I can tell you that it does exist...
kinda. :)
N. Kimberling, ed.
Blind Eye Books
I cannot believe you're both teading me with books that have yet to come out!!!
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Lemonade. I am addicted.
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
My beloved. On Tuesday. About driving. Jerk.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
Not sure. Never had one.
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
Seeing my MIL. This year I've told the nurse SIL to hoard valium so we can does her on Xmas day. Peace will reign over our wee patch I tells you!!
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
The Half Men of O bu Maurice Gee. Awesome fantasy novel by NZ author. So good it got me saving my pocket money to by the sequel. Book geek ever since.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
White Christmas by Bing Crosby.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
Something about an app for his ipod. He's a litle obsessed at the moment.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Huh???? It is summer here and I am wearing jandals.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. AND before you think I am a complete looser, The Bourne trilogy.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Black Wade. My favorite. There's another one, but it is not out yet - but is possibly my most favorite ever by this author... wish they'd write faster!
My spelling is abysmal BTW. Good lord!
1. Last fluid: Water-I drink lots of water
2. Argument: I am a wimp and I don't argue.
3. Irish coffee: can't drink coffee.
4. Hated holiday chore: Why are all December holidays Christmas-I'm Jewish and I don't have a Christmas chore. Hated chore: finding appropriate gifts, wrapping and sending.
5. Childhood book: I also read voraciously, probably "Little Women".
6. Fav Christmas song: Carpenter's "Merry Christmas, Darling" tied with "Ave Maria", Fake: "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause" After my rant about Christmas, I confess that I LOVE Christmas songs!
7. Love: No love any more-abusive husband in nursing home and kids live elsewhere.
8. Thanksgiving stuffing: ON THE SIDE!!!!
9. Movies: "Ghost" and "My Cousin Vinny"
10. books: too many to name.
Already bought "Old Poison"-LOVED it! This was fun and sad for me!
Marcy~I love Christmas music, too. There's just something about them--possibly the fact that you can't escape because every where you go, there they are?
I loved Old Poison, too!!
Sarah~4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
Seeing my MIL. This year I've told the nurse SIL to hoard valium so we can does her on Xmas day. Peace will reign over our wee patch I tells you!!
Honestly, I didn't know you were going in THAT direction. WHY haven't I thought to spike the beverages???
Kimnik~What a funny and charming conversation.
We try to have a good time. Nice-nice is a priority here on our Island.
So looking forward to the new Ginn Hale.
Renee~That gift wrapped hallway/fire hazard looks AWESOME.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? My sis: for giving well intentioned advice that felt like she was telling me what to do with my kid.
OK I have to blow my whistle on this one because THAT'S NOT ALLOWED. You should throw down a little yellow flag at her feet and tell her it's a ten yard penalty.
Also: sekret. I hate Bailey's too and I LOVE Mexican Coffee. LOVE it (especially when they serve it with whipped cream).
Jukebox~Excellent point about the beans. Josh should put Vitamin B on his bottle of Baileys.
The last fluid to pass your lips. water (I know, lame)
Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why? a real argument? probably my mother over politics - she's a die-hard republican and I'm her polar opposite. :)
Is Irish Coffee a vitamin? of course, it's got essential minerals in it
What holiday chore do you most dread? cleaning the aftermath
Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you. This is probably kinda lame, but Jane Eyre. followed closely by Stephen King's Four Seasons anthology - particularly The Shawshank Redemptions. weird combo?
What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song? classic: carol of the bells, non-traditional: last christmas (yay, george michael!)
What's the last thing your love said to you this morning? "I love you!"
Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish? pansy dish. cooking the stuffing inside the turkey keeps it from cooking through all the way - eww. plus, I hate stuffing. (don't throw things at me, please)
What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)? The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Tommy Boy, Napoleon Dynamite, The Wizard of Oz, It's A Wonderful Life, 40 year-old virgin, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Sixteen Candles, So I Married an Axe Murderer, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Dodgeball, most of the disney cartoons, Galaxy Quest, etc.
What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list? I have no clue where you guys are at on this list, so perhaps Burn by Linda Howard or The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter.
1 - The last fluid to pass your lips.
Coffee -- Is there anything else?
2 - Who was the last person you had an argument with -- and why?
Dh. He woke me up early on my day off. Foolish, foolish mortal.
3 - Is Irish Coffee a vitamin?
Anything that has coffee in it is a dedicated food group for yours truly. Who cares if it's healthy?
4 - What holiday chore do you most dread?
Christmas cards. Loathe them with the fire of a 1000 suns.
5 - Name one book you read as a teenager that influenced you.
Stephen King's The Stand, my 1st foray into apocalyptic fic.
6) What's your fav. real Christmas song and your favorite pretend Holiday song?
Little Drummer Boy by Joan Jett. Pretend? Coffee work faster, I got nothing.
7) What's the last thing your love said to you this morning?
Dh - "I'll take him out when I get back." Referring to dog, whilst he leaves to go run at absurd hr. Of course, you ask me, every hr is an absurd hr to run, but I do like that man's muscle.
8) Thanksgiving Question: Dressing in the bird, or on the side in some pansy little dish?
Both, because there ain't enough room in that bird to feed all of us, trust me on this.
9) What movies can you watch again and again, you know the lines, can jump in at any time, and will stop everything to watch it on TV even though you have it on DVD (and VHS)?
Any Living Dead movie. Except I can't watch if one of my younger sons is rattling around for fear of the therapy bill.
10) What's your newest addition to your Desert Island Keeper list?
Dangerous Ground 2.
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