Please welcome author, Caridad Pineiro to her first day on the island! New York Times and USA Today bestseller Caridad Pineiro wrote her first novel in the fifth grade when her teacher assigned a project – to write a book for a class lending library. Bitten by the writing bug, Caridad continued with her passion for the written word through high school, college and law school. Shortly after the birth of her daughter, Caridad’s passion for writing led to a determination to become published and share the stories she loved with others. In 1999, Caridad’s first novel was released and a decade later, Caridad is the author of over twenty novels and novellas. Caridad hopes to continue to share her stories with readers all over the world for years to come. When not writing, Caridad is an attorney, wife and mother to an aspiring writer and fashionista. For more information on Caridad, please visit www.caridad.com or www.thecallingvampirenovels.com.
1. If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bring with you?
A box of books, wine and my husband because he makes me laugh.
I love that you said your husband!
2. How do you like your heroes? In boxers, Briefs, boxer briefs, or a kilt? (or commando?)
Definitely in boxer briefs. They’re very sexy.
3. Favorite Heroine?
Eve Dallas.
Ooh, she’s one of my favorites too!
4. If you could be in one book/series/world which would you pick?
The IN DEATH series by J.D. Robb. I love romantic suspense!
Yay! Another J.D. Robb fan. You’re going to fit in perfectly on this island!
5. Favorite drink to bring to the DIK party?
Sangria that I’d make from the wine I brought to the island and all the tasty tropical fruits on the desert island.
6. Who are your favorite authors?
J.D. Robb,
7. What six books would you bring with you if you were stranded on a desert island?
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
- Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss
- We by Eugene Zamiatin
- If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? by Erma Bombeck
- Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey
- Casino Royale by Ian Fleming
Caridad has been cool enough to offer a copy of Fury Calls to one lucky winner! All you have to do is leave a comment! She’s also having another giveaway tomorrow! On Saturday I’ll post the winners so don’t forget to check back. For more info on Caridad, visit www.caridad.com and http://www.caridad.com/blog/
Hi Caridad,
Welcome to the island and great interview!
I hope you enjoy your stay!
Caridad Awesome interview i love that you picked books and your husband as part of your island get away and i love your work!
Welcome to the island Carided! I too love Kathleen Woodiwiss' books and "Wolf and the Dove" is my favorite.
Good Morning Caridad!
Welcome to the island! I read "Sins Of The Flesh", a short time ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. For me it was a real page turner.
I'm looking forward to reading "Stone Cold Sins".
Welcome again and enjoy!
Hi Caridad
Enjoy your stay on the island. Love your 3 fave things. You are a new to me author & am looking forward to reading your books.
Hey Caridad! Wow, you picked such great books! And an Ian Fleming in the mix! How cool.
Congrats on your book-studded career. Juggling life as an attorney, mother, and novelist must be quite the trick.
Great interview, I always love hearing what authors like to read.
Good Morning Caridad! I love the 3 things that you chose - good selection. You are a new-to-me author but I've recieved several recommendations to read your books recently.
Congratulations on your latest release!
Thank yuo all for dropping by! I'm glad that you enjoyed the interview and look forward to chatting with you some more over the next few days.
I enjoyed your interview very much. I love your books.
Welcome to the Island! Hopefully you'll have a fab time while you're here!
Great interview. I love that you brought your hubby with you, that's wonderful.
So your daughter is an aspiring writer as well? That's so great. My oldest writes stories every once in a while and it warms my romantic heart that they're always love stories.*sigh*
Great interview...I would hope that they had a Starbucks on the deserted island. Box of books would be such a must for me too.
Kathleen Woodiwiss... what a blast from the past. I used to read her books all the time..
So glad you've joined us on the island, Caridad! I forgot to mention that tomorrow Caridad is going to be sharing how her writing career started and tidbits about her writing process so don't forget to check back :)
Great interview! :)
I enjoyed the interview, and I loved seeing your list of favorite books. :)
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