What got me thinking about this was Rachel Gibson's book Nothing but Trouble. I so desperately wanted to like Chelsea, but she was such a wimp. I found the end of the novel just so infuriating and frustrating, I guess because I've adored several of her previous books, but the ending of this one made me quite cross. Chelsea just folded in the end and I kinda felt like she gave up. Crikey. Maybe I was having a bad week. O-o
I wonder if it's just me getting older and less forgiving? Do I just enjoy different traits in a character as my reading tastes have changed.? I'm not sure. I don't know if I could even go back and read something like Shanna and enjoy it. But in my early 20's I read it over and over again. Loved it!
This is something I've thought a lot about in the last few months. I've wondered if other readers tastes change, or do they stay pretty much the same? Are old favorites always old favorites?
OMG, Shanna. Best book ever. Umm. When I was 18. Now I'd probably want to kick her ass. LOL
I stopped reading romances before I turned 30 and read mysteries for 10+ years until I found PNR then m/m. I think the chicks in "modern" books have more gumption than they did in my youth, but I know I can't stand wimpy chicks or women who can't stand on their own two feet, in real life or books. LOL I've heard women say they refuse to sleep if their husband is not home at night, they stay up on the couch all night because they are afraid. OH MY GOD! Are you three? LOL I also think being a single Mom for 10 years has shown me that a woman can do anything and doesn't NEED a man but they are nice to have around to take out the trash. And other things. :-) So yeah, I'm not very patient with wimpy characters, in m/m either although I think that is less common, not too many 25 year old men who would be afraid to live alone. God, I hope. I probably was more tolerant when I was 20 but part of that was the genre and what was the "norm" for the time.
I think I have similar feelings. I was a single parent for a few years too and while having my partner now is wonderful, I know I'm happy being just me too. Not sure I could have said that 15 or so years ago, but definitely now. Age, not such a crappy thing and happy in my own skin.
I've spent time reading mysteries too and I am a fiend for Agatha Christie. But, I do like a hint of romance too!
Younger female characters are just doing it for me less and less. I like someone with a bit of moxie. Kinda like the chick in the Karen Marie Moning books and definitely Elena in the Kelley Armstrong's books. I totally dig Patricia Brigg's characters too.
Awesome thoughts Tam. :) Ta!
It really is a matter of choice, I make it everyday.
Thank you for making me smile! I love those characters from Sesame Street!! I think I've become them lately. I find myself reading a book and muttering to myself. Read a book recently that was supposed to be set in the early 1800's and hero unzips his pants. I had to throw the book across the room. At 18, I may not have noticed something like that.....please keep making me laugh!
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