Thursday, June 2, 2011

kris' confessions of a twit #1

My name is Kris and on June 13 it will be exactly one year since I signed up to Twitter.

If you're thinking it was with good intentions that I joined so I could spread the message of my God, Sir Terry Pratchett, you couldn't be more wrong.  Strangely enough.

If you're thinking that I joined because I caved in to the temptation of The Dark Side, you'd be wrong again.  Darth Vader doesn't hold a candle to me.  Just sayin'.

If you're thinking that I joined because I'm a lemming... well, sit on this *makes obscene finger gesture* and rotate!


Actually, the simple fact is I did it when I was bored shitless one Sunday.

It's a fact I can't be held accountable for stuff I do when I'm bored.  

It's like the Universe stops until my Toy Poodle Flu brain gets another subject in its sights.  

For example, you know all those people who get abducted by aliens and lose time?  Totally me.  

True story.

Anyhoo, are you a Twit?  If you are, what made you decide to join the madness?  If not, how come?  You too good for Twitter or something?  *mutteryouknowwhoyouaremutter*


Tam said...

I believe you made me do it if I remember correctly. Plus most of the Puntabugang here on there so I could keep up with everyone at the same time. Sigh. Bad Kris, bad. Giant time-suck.

Kassa said...

I can't blame you because I was on it before but I'll think of a way to blame you :D

KT Grant said...

You know what I read twit, I thnk of another word. hee.

Anonymous said...

Peer pressure. Same for Tumblr, which is now my drug of choice... So I tweet and tumbl. Oddly, it's usually about the same things.

Tracy said...

You're the one who nagged and nagged until I got on there. It's fun sometimes - I guess I'm just not that fascinated with what everyone else is doing in the world because I just don't get on that often. Also between job and home it's hard to find the time.

Ingrid said...

Ha! I am still standing strong. I haven't joined, I don't feel like it. I sometimes watch your account to see if I "miss" something. Maybe I do, but I don't care

Chris said...

I'm not joining because I'm at my upper level of connected stuff already. Good boundaries are important for maintaining the semblance of sanity. :)

Yay, Ingrid!

Jason said...

Just say no to Twitter! and Facebook! and MySpace! and...what did I forget?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I joined, but it's fun (especially fun because I get to pick on Kris)!

Lilli said...

This might sound a bit weird but my joining was job-related. In my field of work I have to be up to date and at least pretend to know all this shit. (still digging my heels in strongly when it comes to FB, though)

Twitter can be fun, imo, but most of the time I'm not really enthusiastic about it. I guess I'm a bit of a Twitter-#fail. ;)

Kris said...

Tam: Sheep. :P

Kassa: So not surprised.

KBC: That's cos you're filthy.

Thorny: I get deja vu all the time.

Me >> I'm sure I've spoken about this before. Now if only I can remember what social platform it was on...

Piss poor memory is something you can look forward to as you get older.

You're welcome.

Kris said...

Tracy: I vaguely recall that. :) And see you have fun... sometimes...

"Also between job and home it's hard to find the time."

As far as I can tell, most other people put tweeting above the job and home thing. It's only a matter of time before there's a disorder associated with it.

Ingrid: You can always email me and ask me is you missed anything. You know I hate gossip.


Chris: "Good boundaries are important for maintaining the semblance of sanity. :)"

Is that some sort of hint??

Kris said...

Jase: You're too young to start forgetting stuff.

It's also very unlike you to say no to stuff. *kiss, kiss*

Eyre: It's the small things, isn't it, Eyre. *mutterheifermutter*

Lilli: LOL. A lot of the time I'm totally oblivious to what's going on and have to DM mates to ask them about it. We should form a club.

orannia said...

Still not a Twit *grin* and based on what you said, I am trying very hard not to be bored any time soon. I mean, what would I say? I have a hard enough time coming up with blog posts!

Kris said...

Orannia: *snort* You make shit up. At least, that's what I do. LOL.

Jenre said...

I was on before you too. It's that Sean Kennedy's fault, I'm sure.

Kris said...

I'm totally up for blaming Sean, Jen, especially when he's not here.

Josephine Myles said...

I can't do it. I know all the cool kids are, but the internet is already one giant time suck that distracts me from getting any writing done. Plus, I don't get on with Facebook, so I think Twitter would be even more frustrating. What, how many characters?! Damn it, I need more!

Will not give into peer pressure... I just have to keep repeating that until I believe it ;)

Kris said...


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