Friday, June 17, 2011

Signed Copy of Slave to Sensation Up For Grabs

Hey - Smexy is back again today :)

I won’t talk about moobs today. I swear. *dreamy eyes* Just give me a minute.

*ahem* Okay I’m ready.

I was fortunate enough to meet Nalini Singh a few weeks ago at the Lori Foster Author/Reader Get Together. So much fun! When I got to talking to people about her books, I ran into many who said – oh I love her Guild Hunter books but have never read her Psy/Changeling series. Or vice versa. Smexy does not like to hear this! Her Psy/Changeling series is soooo sensual. I always make a note in my reviews about how she writes the most sexy shifters out there today. The tenth book in the series, Kiss of Snow just came out and it might just be the best one yet.

Archangel's Blade (Guild Hunter, #4)Her Guild Hunter series is dark and intense – and the hero, Raphael is one bad ass. He doesn’t really soften up in the series, even though he is in love. I think that is so cool. And the heroine Elena is awesome, smart and has been put to the test. And she is definitely holding her own! The very naughty Dmitri is up next and I can’t wait.

Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling, #1)I had Nalini sign a brand new copy of Slave to Sensation (Psy/Changeling #1) at Lori Foster’s and I would love to give it away today.

To enter, just tell me if you read either of her series, or if she is a new author to you. Open to everyone through today. I’ll announce the winner tomorrow!


Mary G said...

Hi Mandi
I haven't read any Nalini books but I still had to meet her in Cincy. What a sweetheart she is!!
All I could say to her was that she is so beloved by her fans. At the signing I told her I'd read the first blurb in the book & needed a cold shower LOL. Don't enter me. I have my signed copy.

BTW - it was so nice meeting you.

JenM said...

I love shifters, but I still haven't read any of Nalini's books. Just too many books and too little time. There are so many great series out there that it's hard to keep up. I would love to give the Psy/Changelings a try though.

Paula B said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE both series. Super excited to read Dimitri's book. Kiss of Snow was fabulous. Love me some Hawke even more now. Siiiiigh.

Please enter me to win a signed copy. Thanks so much! :)

Mandi said...

It was nice meeting you too Mary! You need to read will love her stuff!

Jen - I know about keeping up - I still have read Gena Showalter :(

Paula - Wasn't Hawke fab??? LOVE.

Unknown said...

I've never read any of Nalini's books, though I've been meaning to. I've never heard a single bad thing about either series, which is reason enough to give her a try. My problem is I get distracted easily by all the *other* shiny books out there - and I'm surrounded by books so it happens a lot!

Please put my name in the hat!

Elisa J
what_ever_for (at) cox (dot) net

Ellie716 said...

I just stared the Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh and I'm hooked! I have all the books except Slave to Sensation and I would love to add it to my collection. Thanks for the giveaway!


evening-green said...

I heven't read any of Nalini Singh's books yet, but I've heared good things so thanks for the chance to win

jayhjay said...

I have read the first one in the psy changling series. I loved it but got overwhelmed with how many were and didn't get all the way through. But I keep hearing how fabulous her books are and I want to get back into them for sure.

Sullivan McPig said...

I read the first book in the Guild Hunter series and love that one. I really want to read book two, but at the moment the US edition is out of stock at the bookdepository so I've been hoping it will be available soon as I just love the US covers. But most likely I will cave one of these days and buy the UK version.

Handcrafted Librarian said...

I love this series!! It is currently my favorite. The most recent one just came out in hardcover, I hate when they change the format in the middle of the series.

booklover0226 said...

I've had this series on my wish list for a while; I've heard so many great things about it.

Thanks for the chance to win it.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Tracy said...

I absolutely LOVE Nalini Singh's writing whether she's writing about angels or psy's and changelings - she just knows how to write!

(Don't enter me because I have read (and loved) all of her books.

Danni T said...

Yes I've read both her Guild series and the Psy/Changeling series. My favorite of the two would definitely be the Psy/Changeling series because there's something so hot about shifters. My favorite of her books so far is Caressed by Ice ....mmmmmmm..just thinking about Judd (takes a moment to wipe away drool). I just finished Kiss Of Snow, Hawke is definitely another favorite. I really loved the book. I would love to win a copy of Slave to Sensation. Thanks for the giveaway.

danni0113 (at) gmail (dot) com

Pal0z said...

I actually have all of her Psy and Guild books. Have Hawke's book as an ebook, coz the paper one is not yet available in India.

Sign me up for the contest only if it is a signed hardcover. Else let someone else get the pleasure... My StS is well-worn and I love it...

Aurian said...

I love both series, they are just so good! I would love a signed copy though!

auriansbooks at gmail dot com

Linda Poitevin said...

I've heard wonderful things about Nalini's books, but they're all still new to me...does life EVER slow down enough to catch up on the great reading? Would love to have my name in the hat! :)

Amelia said...

I just started reading her Psy-Changeling series, Slave to Sensation was June's pick for my book club and by the end of next week I'm probably going to be caught up in the series I love it so much!

holls said...

I haven't started but she is on my tbr pile. Thanks

Hollybwright at comcastdotnet

Anonymous said...

I've read Angel's Blood (Book 2 is on my TBR pile), Books 1-4 of Psy-Changeling (Book 5 is on the way), & a few of her short stories. I'm hooked!

tialessa at yahoo dot com

Desy said...

I read Angels' Blood and I loved it!! I really want to read something else about nalini!!!

Thanks for the giveaway

Miss Delirious said...

LOVE Nalini's books! She has to be my favourite author too.

Thanks for the opportunity!

gem dot wood at gmail dot com

Mariee said...

I've heard of her books, but I have never read any of them before. They all sound great!

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

DebbieB said...

I haven't read any of her books But I have seen a lot of comments about how good they are. I would love to win so I can give her a try. Thanks so much. @okmom43

RFTC Blog said...

I haven't read any of Nalini's books but I have them on my wishlist. They look really good and I've heard nothing but good things about them.

Karen H said...

I love her Guild Hunter Series, but have not tried the Psy-Changling yet.
Thanks for the giveaway!

claddagh64 at yahoo dot com

Karielle Stephanie said...

I haven't read Slave to Sensation yet, but Nalini is one of my favorite authors!


Leni said...

I haven't read either series, but I am familiar with Nalini.

Chelsea B. said...

Nalini is a new author to me! Her books sound wonderful, though :-)


angeleyes01 said...

I have not read any of these series yet.But i do intend to get around to it.

Martha Lawson said...

No, I haven't read anything by her! I would love to start though.
Enter me please.

gfc follower

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Elaine G said...

I haven't read wither series.But I do have the Guild Hunter books.

Wendy F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy F said...

I have not read either one but would love to

mullen said...

I have read the Guild series and fell in love it them. Bluebell and Dmirti are amazing.Haven't tried her other series yet but want to.


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