Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Guy vs Bad Boy

I mentioned in my previous post that I was re-reading Bridget Jones's Diary. In this book 30 something Bridget is involved with her playboy boss Daniel Cleaver, however the sweet Mark Darcy is waiting in the sidelines to mend her broken heart.

I have a few questions for you ladies today:

1. Who are your favorite literary Good Guys/Bad Boys?

2. Do you prefer a Good Guy or a Bad Boy? Why?


Sullivan McPig said...

I must confess I usually think the bad boys are far more interesting. It has to do with how they're written:
Being good is seen as normal so good guys don't have to be explained and usually stay a bit flat because of this, while bad guys have to be explained more so you understand why they're bad.

The downside of liking the bad boy is that in the kind of books I read and movies I watch that means he usually dies!
And if by a miracle I think one of the good guys is actually really cool it usually is the dispossible good guy, who dies so the actual 'hero' gets angry and takes down the bad guys.


As for favourite literary good/bad boys:
Chrestomanci from 'Charmed Life' by Diana Wynne Jones is my all time favourite good guy as he's so delightfully vague and mysterious and even while being a good guy has his sharp edges.

Keira Gillett said...

I love the good guy the heroine thinks is a bad guy. Those are the heroes that I like best - because at first they seem like a bad boy and not very nice but when the heroine discovers who they truly are - it gives you goosebumps. :)

Tracy said...

I like them both equally. Is that bad? Or good? lol

The Bookworm said...

thanks for the input ladies. I like both good and bad guys, it depends on my mood :)

The Romance Girl said...

Bad boys in fiction. Good guys in real life. I think I get the best of both worlds that way.

Bookie said...

I agree with the earlier comments. Good guys in books tend to be less interesting than the bad boy. The bad boy for me is also sexier. Something about breaking the rules...My favorite bad boy is Eric from true blood.

The Bookworm said...

D.L.: well said!

Bookie: Eric is a hottie

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