We're on an island of Desert Island Keepers--books so good they can't be put down. I'm going to up the ante and send out a call for your books that are so good, so gripping, so awe-inspiring, so moving, so action-packed, so emotionally-charged (but no crying) that they can distract me from hours of contractions. In a recent read, "Parentonomics," the author read his wife Dave Barry books during labor. I immediately told Mr. Wonderful to brush up his out loud reading skills--he would be put to work reading romance and urban fantasy of my choosing. Now I need a list, and I need it fast.

Some of the books at the top of my "I wish I had" list won't be out in time. "Magic Bleeds" by Ilona Andrews isn't out till May (and, damn, I wish I didn't read the teaser in the back of "On the Edge." Curran--how could you???) Joanna Bourne's "The Forbidden Rose" isn't out till June. The last book in Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series, "Shadowfever," isn't out till

Patricia Brigg's latest Mercy Thompson book, "Silver Borne," will be out in time (and she's signing in Seattle on March 30), unless the baby decides to arrive before her due date (April 5th).
What's a girl to do? I'm not caught up on the new releases of the past 5 months, so please feel free to suggest your favorites. A book that Mr. Wonderful could possibly fall in love with too would be an extra plus.
Is your recommendation good enough to distract me from
Congrats and best wishes for your baby's upcoming arrival, Ciara!
Hmm, I'd probably recommend Nalini Singh's Archangel's Kiss and Nicole Peeler's Tempest Rising.
Also, Carolyn's Mind Games will be released just in time (if all goes as expected) for labor room reading.
I can't wait for ALL of the books you mentions!
Until then - I just read Frost Moon by Anthony Francis..and it is a really good debut UF!
Soulless by Gail Carriger is one I'd recommend if you think you'd like your urban fantasy with a Jane Austen edge.
Also if you haven't read it yet - The Shadow Queen by Anne Bishop - the follow up to that book Shalador's Lady has just been released and is brilliant.
Great idea! I had my friend Tracy (yes, same name) telling me jokes so that I would be distracted the whole time during labor! lol I should have gone for the books. :)
I'm really looking forward to the Joanna Bourne and Briggs books as well.
KMM is so mean. I cannot WAIT to read the next one.
Congrats on the upcoming birth of your baby!!
Uh, having been through labor and also being a rabid reader, I'd have to say that this might be one time when you might as well leave the books at home.
And yet. My brain was such jelly for the first 6 weeks or so of baby boot camp that the occasional Real Simple article was the most complicated thing I could manage.
Got to go with Nicola, been there done that three times and I gotta tell you, books are not going to do it for you. Now if you are a basketball fanatic, March Madness is right around the corner and screaming at the refs for their stupid, asinine calls and the players for theirs, helps relive the pain momentarily until those commercials come on. Then you'll get distracted by cussing them(instead of Mr Wonderful)plus if you've got the BB game on MW will be less likely to desert you for a quick check on the score. This is called labor for a reason but trust me you WILL survive it and once they put that little bundle in your arms you'll be ready to do it again(just not tomorrow). Congrats and best wishes!
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