However, Biker Dude is leering at the blowfish bikini top. You’ll be lucky if you get that thing back when we leave. Biker Dude is making rumblings about going ‘fishing later’. *waggles brows*
LOLOLOL Well I guess, Biker Dude has 'leering & fishing' rights. I have to say, you and Biker Dude sure know how to party that was an awesome luau last night!!
We do our best to be wild party animals and provide non stop entertaining (we’re lying. Our bedtime is at 9 p.m. Shhhhh….tell no one. Don’t want to ruin our image. )
LOL So, without further adieu I’m turning the mic over to Jaci, who is going to talk about her 5 favorite DIK books she has brought along to the island.
Northern Lights by Nora Roberts
Because I just read this book for the fist time last year, and I could kick myself for waiting this long. I think Nora is one of the most talented writers I’ve ever read, and though I’ve read many of her books, this one will remain a keeper for me. I loved it so much. The Alaska scenery, the pilot heroine so stubborn and proud, the capable yet vulnerable hero. *sigh*Sometimes a book just resonates and you don’t know why. I loved the characters in this book, the setting, the way I just settled in comfortably whenever I opened the book to read. I didn’t want it to end and was disappointed when it did because I wanted it to go on and on. I fell in love with everyone in the book and felt like I knew them. And of course no one writes romance and suspense together like Nora. I was riveted and hanging on to every page. She made me love the characters and worry about them. I suppose that’s what makes a good author, is breathing life into the characters. Nora does that better than anyone.
The Only Series by Elizabeth Lowell
Yes, I realize this is a series so this is technically cheating, but really, which book would I choose out of this series? Only You, Only His, Only Love, Only Mine? Elizabeth Lowell wrote the book (har) on sensual romance, and this, to me, was the pinnacle. Western romance, fierce heroines, and some of the sexiest heroes ever written. I’ve never turned pages faster in my life than I did reading these books. I’ve never known a writer to make a reader wait longer for a payoff, then make us hold our breath during the love scenes, and gasp once they’re written. They’re not explicit, but they take your breath away. A lot of what I learned about writing sensually I learned from reading Elizabeth Lowell.
The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss
The first romance I ever read (well, if you don’t count the Dark Shadows books and Barnabas Collins lusting after Josette. I read those in 6th grade). I was 17 and The Flame and The Flower was sitting at my sister’s house, so I picked it up and read it. It rocked my world with its tale of a heroine raped by the hero, then taken away from her evil aunt and she falls in love with the hero who’s at once a total bastard and yet treats her tenderly as she carries his child. The true meaning of tempestuous romance unfolds as we see the heroine’s growth into a strong woman throughout the book as she bends the hero to her with her smile, her words and her love. *swoon*
A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux
Please don’t throw things at me, but I loved this book. I read it over and over again, and it got me through a particularly difficult time in my life, and for that I will be forever grateful to Dougless and Nicholas for letting me lose myself in their story. And I know many many people hated and loathed the ending, but actually it never bothered me in the least. I’m probably in the minority, but I truly believed their souls were together. (Dodges rotten cabbage)
Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Morning
Daegus. Scotland. Time Travel. People, do I have to elaborate further?
Okay, seriously, I picked up this book and read this series totally out of order, because I hadn’t read any of the other books in the series before this. But my tongue dropped to the floor and I was mesmerized, tearing my hair out, crying, and falling madly and irrevocably in love with Daegus, and KMM. Forever.
Thanks Jaci! Awesome choices, no cabbage flying from this side of the hut… *g*
If you have a question for Jaci today about her DIK Keepers, please ask because I know she will be happy to hear from ya'll.
Jaci returns tomorrow for her final day on the Island and she will be talking about.... (Shhhh, it's a secret, you'll have to come back and find out.) *g*
Big Announcement!! Please note, today is release day for "Bound, Branded and Brazen"!!
Contest is now closed. The winners will be announced soon!
In the wilds of Oklahoma, three sisters have a hot date with destiny. Valerie, Brea, and Jolene McMasters reunite on the family ranch that should have been called the Bar Nothing…
When Valerie left for the big city, she kissed her foreman husband, Mason, goodbye—along with the best sex she ever had. Now, seeing him brings back sizzling memories. But their rekindled fire threatens to burn them both.
Watching Gage wrangle untamed horses with a gentle but firm touch leaves Brea hot and bothered. But can she live out her fantasy with a man who may ask more than she’s willing to give?
Ranch hand Walker Morgan can’t afford to lose his job by getting too close to his new boss, Jolene, no matter how much she tempts him. But Jolene’s prepared to take the first step, because what Jolene wants, Jolene gets. And Jolene wants Walker.
Thanks again to Jaci Burton for spending time on the Island with us!!
Welcome back to Day 2 on the Island Jaci!!
And, congratulations on release day for Bound, Branded and Brazen!!
Great DIK picks, I have a couple of them in my TBR at home. ;)
Thanks again Jaci.
Hi Lea and Jaci!
I just have to say that Dark Highlander is an excellent choice!!
Happy Release Day! Congrats!
Dottie :)
Hi Lea & Jaci
I think The Flame & The Flower was the first for many of us. Nice to see the cover for the original that cost $1.75. Hope you're having fun on the island.
Hi Lea and Jaci!
Great keepers! Northern Lights is my favorite Nora Roberts book, after reading it I've decided I'll have to visit Alaska.
Happy Release Day, your book sounds wonderful!
Thanks for having me back again today! And good to know I might not have to wear body armor to dodge tomatoes and cabbage about my book choices. Then again, it's still early so we'll see.
I'm SO excited about Bound Branded & Brazen's release today so I'll likely be doing a lot of dancing today. Look out!
Congratulations on your new release, I am so excited to read it!
Have a great day, and go relax because you have earned it!
Yayayayay on release day!!
Ladies (and Biker Dude), you guys sure do know how to party!!!!
Those are so very great choices to say the least!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Congrats & happy BBB release day!
I liked your DIK picks. I just read *gasp* my first Nora Roberts in Dec. I finally caved and read Naked In Death after seeing/reading/hearing about this Roarke dude. Had to find out what the hoopla was all about and now I know why!!
Enjoy your day :)
Scorpio - I almost put Naked In Death on my list. It was hard to choose which books, and Naked In Death is definitely a favorite of mine. I'm hooked on that series in a major way!
Hi Lea and Jaci,
The books you picked out sound good,I have not read one of them..but I do have The Dark Highlander and have been told these books are a must read.
Happy release day Jaci!!!
Another awesome post and I also love Dark Highlander!
Happy Release Day!
Happy release day!
Congrats on Release day!
I've only read the Nora Roberts but its a great pick for a DIK.
I have some of these on my keeper shelves too. The Flame And The Flower was the first seriously romantic book I ever read. It's still one of my favorites.
First at all - congrats on the release!!!!
and Lea, I love your blowfish bikini top *gg* it's really cute :)
wish you all a great day,
Any Nora Roberts book is a keeper for me.
Congrats on your release day. Lifetime did a movie of Northern Lights,do you think you'll check it out or skip it?
I like your DIK picks. I've read some of them!
Happy release day!
Congrats on release day! I'm very excited for you, and us too! And how ironic, but the Woodiwiss book was my first romance read as well.
Leni - I actually watched Northern Lights on Lifetime. It was different than the book in a lot of ways, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. :-)
Joder - I think Woodiwiss was the first for a lot of romance readers. I've loved all her books.
Congrats on your release; it's a time to celebrate!
I look forward in readin BBB!
Tracey D
Hi Jaci,
Wow, that bikini is just priceless ;) Happy Release Day!! I'm truly excited for BBB. The more I hear about it, the more I can't wait to get my hands on it :)
I completely agree with you about KMM and her highlanders, completely delicious and swoon-worthy, and Nora Roberts is classic for me. I actually didn't read Northern Lights until I saw the Lifetime movie, but I also loved the book (way more than the movie :)
Hi everyone!!
Thanks for all your great comments an joining Jaci and Biker Dude here on the Island with us girls.
I'm so enjoying her stay here and it is awesome we were able to coordinate this visit with the release of BBB!!
Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!! I can't wait for your post Jaci..*g*
Congrats on the release of Bound, Branded and Brazen!
Jaci how long did it take from the conception of the book to today's birth?
Hi Jace and Lea,
Another great post. I'm a great fan of KMM's Highlander series. Who wouldn't be in love with Daegus, he's like so Alpha, sexy, and smart.
Happy Release Day, Jaci!!!
What fun interviews. Thanks Jaci and Lea/DIK! And I have some new titles to add to my tbr list....
If I was going to be stranded on a deserted island - I'd defintely take the "Only" series - they are some terrific books. Congrats on the new release. Can't wait to read it..
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Great selections ! hoping i can read all of them :)
Happy release day !
Sounds like you are having a great time on the island!!!
Congrats on another great book and I can't wait to read it!!!
I've read several of Nora's books, but not Northern Lights....I'll have to get that one now too.
Will have to try out Dark Highlander. Sounds right up my alley. ;)
Congrats on your release!
Hi Jaci. Congratulations on the release of Bound, Branded and Brazen.
I love Nora Roberts and Jude Deveraux books. I will have to check out the others.
Hi, Jaci! Great list--I always love finding out what authors keep on their shelves :) I have several of those on my TBR, including the Lowells. And I've read a ton of Roberts, but not Northern Lights yet--better get to that!
I would have to take all the Highlander series with me. Hawtness!
I'm going to have to try Elizabeth Lowell. . I've never read any books by her.
The contest is now closed thank you everyone who entered and visited Jaci while here on the island!
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