Today's blog is all about my heroes. *sigh* I'm a sucker for an awesome hero. If the hero is lame or comes across as a jerk, the book just doesn't do it for me. When it came to choosing my heroes it was a tough task, but I finally narrowed it down to the heroes that mean the most to me and why. Fun, fun, fun! :)
My first hero is one I've already mentioned. My favorite books seem to have my favorite heroes. I'm pretty cool like that. *snicker*
Hero #1 is Jules Cassidy from Suzanne Brockmann's Troubleshooters, Navy SEALs, etc. series. I fell in love with him all the way back at the beginning and he's still one of my all-time favorite heroes. I couldn't find a picture that really made me think of him, but I think this one is just awesome for the sheer....whoa moment I had when I saw it for the first time. Enjoy!
This man is beautiful...that's all I have to say.
Hero # 2 is Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. Ever since he was introduced in Halfway to the Grave, he snagged my attention. I don't know if it's because of the comparisons I make between him and Spike from Buffy, but I love him so. Snarky and hot. I love that combination. :)

James Marsters...Spike, anyone?
Hero #3 is just sexy; plain and simple. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Honestly, I'd never even read the book until this year, but I fell in love with the movies because of these 2 men. I can't choose which Mr. Darcy I like better, so I'm giving them both to you. Enjoy!

And the picture I'm using to depict him is one that I'm sure a lot of you will recognize, but I think, due to the definite similarities between the two, that this pic is appropriate. Enjoy!
Last, but definitely not least, is a hero I just came across this year in a wonderful paranormal romance. This hero, to me, is the epitome of a Bad Boy, which is one of my favorite kind of hero. He makes some asinine decisions in his book, but he grovels well and has an extremely talented tongue. :~D If that doesn't make a man a great hero, I don't know what will. So, my 5th and final hero is none other than Cadeon Wode from Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole. All I can say is Wowza!I don't know who he is...
but honestly?
Who cares!!!!!
I am a total ditz! How could I forget Judd Laurens! There must be something wrong with me! Anywho, above pic can go for him too. Mmm...Psy hero.
Definately Colin Firth over Matthew MacFadyen, but only if we are taking it from 10 years ago when he starred in the P&P adaptation. I have both of them on DVD and the Colin Firth one is nearly worn out I've watched it that many times!
Richard Armitage is a real hottie. He's on TV every week in 'Spooks' here in Britain and he has to get his shirt off at least every episode - yum, yum. He'll make an excellent Simon Hunt as he has all the rough charm of that character.
Definitely, not definately - sorry, spelling up the creek today!
Colin Firth because the way he talks about Elizabeth's eyes still makes me swoony. Even though Matthew MacFayden is a very worthy Darcy.
I'm a Matthew MacFadyen girl, myself. I love how he smolders and how much is going on under the surface with him.
I can't tell you how close I came to taking Cadeon Wode as one of my heroes. In fact, I would have, except that once Shannon took Adam Hauptman, I was all discombobulated and kind of lost my sense of organization. LOL!
Nice choices!
Ahh, Mr. Darcy *sigh* I always picture him as Colin Firth :) LOVE that sexy voice.
I so agree... Colin over Matthew!
SPIKE! I heart him!
and can't believe you forgot Judd! I will have to go provide some comfort! *g*
I didn't mean to forget Judd! I had taken sleeping pills, remember! LOL!
Mmm...Colin Firth. But I like Matthew too because as Kati said, he smoldered as Mr. Darcy. Whereas Colin's Darcy was all cold and broody and pretty condescending. I mean, I know that's what he was supposed to be, but he was REALLY condescending. :)
Wonderful Choices!!!
Jules - Even though he's gay I love him to pieces.
Bones - I was so jealous when you got him! lol He is so wonderfully sexy and I just love his personality.
Mr. Darcy *sigh* I just love him. I've not seen the one with Matthew MacFadyen so I can't compare! lol
Cade - omg - he's just lickable! Wonderful bad boy - I agree.
You've just reminded me I haven't read Cadeon's book yet. I think because I have to read the ghost book first and I'm not really a ghost person.
Lesley-Honestly, you REALLY don't have to read the ghost book to read Cade's book. His book is definitely a stand-alone. :)
I keep drooling over that top pick. That man's abs are unbelievably lickable. Yum!
Jules is the bestest hero EVAR!
And I prefer Matthew MacFayden's Mr. Darcy.
*sigh* Wouldn't it be great if we could find men like that? Or is just me? LOL! I think I've been single for too stinkin' long. :D
Ahhhh... Bones. I remember banging my head on my desk when you drafted him. He was on my list, too!
Judd... there's a reason his name rhymes with 'thud.' ::sigh:: He was awesome in CBI. I totally fell for him and absolutely loved him with Brenna.
Cadeon Woede. Another fantastic hero with a great story. His brother's story should be interesting, too...
You've got great taste in heroes! :)
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