Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Books being made into Movies, what are your thoughts?

We are on the cusp of one of the biggest movie releases of the year for many ladies I know, Breaking Dawn is being released on the 18th of this month (2 Days away) and I know I will be one of the many people that will be going to a midnight showing of the film and I cannot wait but I am worried about how they are going to portray certain things in the books. I loved the Twilight books and I do have to admit I hated the first movie and I had to think long and hard about things.

A good friend of mine recommended that I try the movie again. But the next time I went to see the movie that I separate the movie and the book and appreciate the movie for the movie and stop over analysing the way that things were done and enjoy the movie for the movie. I have to admit this is one of the best pieces of advice that anyone has ever given me and something I have tried time and again when it comes to the portrayal of some of my favourite books into the world of film.

Increasingly I am finding this is the case with many of the books and series that I love. This week the release of the Hunger Games trailer has left me hanging and wanting more. Is it March yet! I adore the Hunger Games series and I will be so upset if the movie does not live up to my expectations.

It seems that no sooner has a series established itself than a studio is buying the rights to make it onto a movie and it becomes an overnight sensation. The Fever Series by the wondering Karen Marie Moning being one that springs to mind most recently.

If you are like me then you cannot watch the movie until you have read the book(s) as I find reading the book first is always a much richer experience and one in which I relish in.

So what about you? Do you prefer to read the book first or do you not mind or are you a person who will watch the movie first and then read the book if the movie piques your interest you then will read the series?

I'm looking forward to reading what you all prefer. I'm off now to relax with a lovely cold glass of white wine and take a well earned rest on the Island.

Thank you for reading.

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