It is my great pleasure to introduce and welcome Guest Author Juliana Stone to the Island!
::Big round of applause - raising drinks::
I came to know of Juliana and her work through a yahoo readers group we both frequent and after I read her recent Samhain publication “Black Legacy” I knew I would be a fan of her work.
Juliana’s most recent release “His Darkest Hunger” was published on March 30, 2010 and is receiving glowing reviews! I read "His Darkest Hunger" and LOVED IT!
Lea: Welcome to DIK Juliana! I see you brought along a black jaguar with you.. Yikes! Is he friendly?
Juliana: Thanks for letting me stop by! And yes, my little kitty is very friendly…especially if you pet him!
Well if he is a cat shifter I can think of a number of ladies here who wouldn't mind doing some 'stroking' *wink*.
Can we hope he does shift into sexy Jaxon?
Well Jaxon is busy with his woman, but trust me, he shifts into something just as hot!
LOL! I can't wait to see 'who' this kitty shifts too.
Are you ready for the rapid-fire induction DIK “About Me”, questions?
I’ll do my best…..
Favorite Reading Position?
Curled up on the couch.
How old is your inside voice?
What? LOL, um, 21?
Oooh 21 year olds love island getaways. *wink*
If you could be a hero who would you be?
Wonder Woman of course, hell who wouldn’t want to have an invisible plane? A golden lasso that cajoles the truth? And well, that costume…..
And I think you would look damn fine in that Wonder Woman suit!
What heroine is most like you ?
Bridget Jones, hands down!
What heroine would you like to be?
Elisabeth Bennet, hands down!
Boxers, Briefs, boxer briefs, kilt (I say we add commando)?
Oh God, commando works but I find a man in a kilt very, very sexy!
Well, we have a Canadian commando/kilt guy in honor of Juliana's visit (Juliana is a fellow Canuck.) *j*
Favorite book set on a tropical island?
Shoot, am I going to fail the test if I say, um dunno?
Hell no - good answer - LOL!
What hero is most like your significant other?
Sherlock Holmes as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr.
Oooh, I like him, pensive and hot. ;)
What hero from a novel would you like to be your significant other?
I have a fondness for Bones, from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series….he’s very, very cool!
You aren't the only one, he is a favorite of many readers. :)
If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bring?
I need music, ice cold corona and books of course.

LOL, Corona with limes baby!
Okay! *Passing Corona with limes*
Thanks Juliana, great answers! LOL We’ve planned a rockin luau tonight with da DIK menz and Ladies. Juliana is going to be back on the island with us tomorrow talking about her favorite DIK books she has brought along.
But the Libby that he finds is not what he expected. She has no memory of their tumultuous affair; of her treachery; of anything beyond her own name. A shadowy and deadly clan has marked them both for death, and in an instant the game changes: the hunter has become the hunted.
On the run, with the ghosts of their past between them and a dark, desperate hunger quickly reclaiming their bodies and souls, Libby and Jaxon must discover the truth behind the dark forces working against them. Together, they must grab hold of a destiny that has the power to either heal them or destroy them. But the truth is far more shattering than anyone could imagine…
*Contest Is Now Closed*
A big thank you to Juliana for her generosity and for visiting the island!
Nice interview! And who doesn't love a man in a kilt, with nothing under ;)
Can I pet the jaguar? Pretty please!
Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/04/win-his-darkest-hunger-at-dik.html
mischivusfairy-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
Hey Juliana I totally agree about the corona and it needs the lime.
Hi Lea & Juliana
Loved the interview ladies. Don't enter me. I already have your wonderful book.
I enjoyed the interview very much. I really enjoy shifter stories so I know I would like this one.
seriousreader at live dot com
Not entering the contest, just saying "Hi!"
Welcome to the Island Juliana!!
Oh I love cats. I have 3 but they are the domesticated type.
A man in a kilt, imageing what is under the kilt is exciting. LOL
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Betrayal AND reunited lovers. My two favorite romantic themes. This book has been on my radar for months, the reviews have been great.
Welcome to the Island Juliana! You can come visit me in my hut any time. Any woman who loves shapeshifters, men in kilts and Bones is my kind of friend! :)
Hi Juliana and Lea!
Welcome to DIK!
Great interview, I'm all for a man in a kilt, and who can resist the flagged buns? LOL If I get a choice, commando works for me too.
The Darkest Hunger sounds great, can't wait to give it a try!
Dottie :)
Hey Juliana!
Hope you are enjoying your time on the island. :-)
I so enjoyed HDH and can't wait for book 2!
I know Juliana is at her day job today so hopefully she will have the opportunity to stop by later.
Thanks for welcoming her to the island!
I enjoyed reading the interview Juliana and am looking forward to reading your new release. I absolutely adore reading shifter romances and I can't wait to read this story.
Loved the interview - and, heh - the picture of the man in a kilt (mostly in a kilt? :P) made me chuckle.
Love cat shifters and I've heard fantastic things about Juliana's new book too. :)
Oh my - we have so much in common! Lovers of Leopards, Corona's with lime and Bones!
Let's party :D
Miranda ~ SweetVernal Zephyr
Funny interview loved it
Hi Juliana and Lea. Great interview. His Darkest Hunger sounds good. Love shifters.
Here Kitty, Kitty! Um, big kitty, my what big teeth you have. Wow, look at those nails. Still love to sunggle with a shifter, kitty, whatever. Have two of my own, cats that is.
Nothing like a guy in a kilt, on a beach, on a breezy day. Sigh...
See ya tomorrow Juliana...
I have to say I love a man in a kilt - especially if he is going commando!! I'd prefer a jaguar shifer though LOL
sarahsreviews at ymail dot com
Great interview. Congrats on the release. Jaguars - what a great choice.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Love the kilt but he needs to be bare foot as well as bare assed. Leave those knee-highs at home.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
good god it's busy on the island today. Thanks for the warm welcome ladies...I have to say my dog shelby, who's a golden retriever is getting very, very jealous of all the attention Mr. Jaguar is getting! LOL, yes, what can be better than warm water, beautiful beaches, COLD BEER (with lime of course) rockin' tunes and a hawt dude?
Is there anything better? hmmmm, let me ponder
I love a man in a kilt,add the sexy jaguar shifter and add the Corona..I'm all set..lol.
I so wanted to be Wonder Woman too.
Great interview.
Fun interview! I really like the "inside voice" question. :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Nice interview! I would want to be Elizabeth Bennet to! (to get Mr.Darcy, of course....;-) And she was a really strong heroine! No crap was taken by this chick!
Nice interview! Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm absolutely entering this contest. I've been eyeing this book for quite some times :)
Great Interview. I can't wait to read this book.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
Gee, and here I thought the man took a nose dive in the snow..Hehehe.
I like cats and black cats are sleek, a bit mysterious and great hunters.
Your book sounds wonderful, Juliana.
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Hi Juliana and Lea, I enjoyed the interview.I agree with you Bones is cool and men in kilts are very sexy.
awesome post i never knew so much about you till now
First off may I say that if your inner voice is 21 it is a very mature and imaginative 21 year old. 2nd rock that Wonder Woman outfit lady, it would be a great fashion choice with you behind a microphone singing your heart out. Like all the other fun interviews learned something new, thanks Lea and Juliana for all the fun this week!
jackie b central texas
I absolutely love the cover of this book!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Ooooh... I wanna win this one! It looks good!
Welcome Juliana :)
thanks for a great interview - I really enjoyed your answers *gg*
greetings, Ina
Hi, Juliana.
I enjoyed the post and look forward in reading His Darkest Hunger.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Great interview! Loved the answers! But I do wonder if the answers would have been different without the drinks!
oo kilt, gerard butler was on ellen a while back she gave him some sort of a kilt. llol i like to see him in one with the wind a blowing
Jaguars are my FAV shifters!!! Can't wait to read your book!!
ktulanko AT aol DOT com
i'm late to the party, but i must say your book sounds interesting.
The pic of the kilt guy however is very wrong
Great interview! Who doesn't love Bones? He's awesome!
Haha, love this combination of Bridget Jones, Elizabeth Bennet and Wonder Woman! :-)
Can't wait to see what this sexy "kitty" lol will shift into!
One of my guy friends also sweras by the Corona+lime combo until now I haven't tried it, but if a girl loves it maybe I should give it a try.
Please enter me I've been wanting to read this book for quite some time now!
ps: and yep, men in kilt are definitely HOT! ;-)
stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com
Great interview. Bones is awesome.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Great interview! I love big cats and I've been looking forward to reading this book!
Ooh, great interview, Juliana! And the kilted, flagged man cracked me up--is he doing a push up in the snow? Must be cold! ;) I'm a fan of shifters--jaguars, huh? :)
Good Morning Everyone:
The contest is closed, thanks to everyone who entered!
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