Monday, August 2, 2010

Please Welcome Devyn Quinn To The Island!

It is my great pleasure to introduce and welcome talented, Award Winning Author Devyn Quinn to the Island!

::Big round of applause - raising drinks::

I was delighted and honored when Devyn agreed to guest here at DIK because I’ve been a fan since I read her book “Flesh and the Devil” in 2008. I have read very nearly all of her publications since and I can tell you she pens dark erotic paranormal romance novels that will curl your toes and raise the hair on the back of your neck! Devyn’s newest publication represents a change for her in that it is the first in a series called “Dark Tides”, and is about Mermaids! “Siren’s Call”, and will be published tomorrow August 3, 2010!

Welcome to DIK Devyn!

DQ: Thanks, Lea. I’m delighted to be at DIK for the next three days.

Lea: Are you ready for the rapid-fire induction DIK “About Me”, questions?

Bring them on!

Favorite Reading Position?

Sitting in bed with my snacks and books.

How old is your inside voice?

I can safely say several centuries, LOL. I’m an old, old soul!

If you could be a hero who would you be?

Hmm. I think I would like to be Batman. He’s dark and broody, like me. And he’s rich. I could handle that!

What heroine is most like you?

LOL, is there a heroine who sits behind the computer all day, slamming back Red Bull to meet her deadlines? If so, then she is just like me.


What heroine would you like to be

Lara Croft. Definitely the coolest out there. Barring that I would be Angelina Jolie.

Cool heroine!

Boxers, Briefs, boxer briefs, kilt (I say we add commando)?

Boxer briefs. The best of both worlds.

Favorite book set on a tropical island?

Hmm, I don’t recall the name of the book or even the author, but the book was set on a tropical island. It involved 4 rich women and their captain being stranded after their husband were the victims of an assassination attempt. Anyway, these rich pampered women were stranded and had to learn how to survive on this wild island. Wish I could recall who wrote it!

I think that would be "Savages" by Shirley Conran. Excellent novel about survival. I loved that book too.

If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bring?

Non-perishable food, tanning lotion and fresh water!

Favorite drink to bring to the DIK party?

Strawberry margarita.

You recently won a 2009 Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award for your book “Possession”, which is a stellar novel about a demon which has an interesting plot twist with respect to the heroine of the novel. I have to admit I didn’t see that one coming Devyn. Do you have a particular favorite of the many books you’ve written?

My all time favorite is Echoes of Angels, which features my maniac depressive alcoholic Irish assassin Morgan Saint-Evanston. I am pleased to announce that the book will be re-released later this year. Until then, readers can get a taste of Morgan in Sins of the Night.

Siren’s Call”, is a paranormal romance about ‘Tessa Lonike”, a reclusive lighthouse keeper who along with her sisters Gwen and Addison are mermaids. You created a unique biology for your mermaids and introduced a very hostile mermaid world in the depths of the ocean. I really enjoyed this story and found it a change from the “Devyn” narratives I’ve read historically. Was this a tough one for you to pen?

Tough does not begin to describe this book. Not only was the mermaid genre new to me, but so was sea-lore in general. I went in knowing nothing. I also could not used established lore, like Poseidon or Atlantis as a basis for my world building (as other authors use those themes already). So I have to literally build my Mers from the ground up, so to speak.

I thought you incorporated an interesting juxtaposition between “Kenneth”, the human hero of the story and “Jake”, Tessa’s former lover and a really nasty, conniving narcissist. Are we going to see more of Jake in books II & III?

Oh, I love writing nasties and Jake surely is one. A few reviewers have commented on his almost comical evil, which is kind of what I wanted. Smarmy and charming, but always out for himself and his own interests.

Gwen’s story “Siren’s Surrender”, is the next book in the “Dark Tides” trilogy to be released in 2011. Gwen owns a little hotel on the mainland and has tried really hard to integrate with humans. Can you give readers a hint as to where you will be taking Gwen and the Lonike sisters in book II?

Gwen and her family are going to enter the shadowy world of the A51-ASD, a covert branch of our government that investigates alien and paranormal activity. When I was thinking about book 2, it occurred to me how our government might react if the hostile Mers emerged and killed a few innocent humans. I mean, an entire new world and species have emerged from the depth of the ocean. How would people deal with that?

Do you have a question you would like to ask folks who stop by and say Hi today?

Sure! So here's a question for readers: What is your favorite bit of sea lore and why do you find it fascinating? Are you crazy for Poseidon, or do you really believe that Atlantis existed?

Thanks Devyn, great answers!

Devyn has very kindly offered a copy of "Siren's Call" to be won by one lucky commenter each day while she is here on the island. So that is potentially 3 chances to win if you visit each day, and answer Devyn’s question!

The winners will be chosen randomly by numbered entry.

The contest will close Satuday at midnight and the lucky winner will be posted here at DIK Sunday morning.

Only one entry per day please!

Contest open internationally!

Good Luck to all who enter!

We’ve planned a rockin luau tonight with da DIK menz and Ladies. Devyn is going to be back on the island with us tomorrow with a special post to celebrate the release of "Siren's Call".


Chris said...

I'm not entering, but who can resist a day at the Island?? *waves at Devyn*

Mary G said...

Great interview Devyn & Lea
I definitely wish Atlantis was real. I remember seeing a movie about it with cheesy special effects but loved it anyway.

Devyn, I read the interview at Borders about the mermaid series & how it came to be. Very brave of you to try this genre.

Blodeuedd said...

Well I always did like Atlantis, but ever since watching this Irish movie it has been the selkie myth that fascinates me

Pamk said...

siren's call sounds great. and I cannot resist the idea of Atlantis and the hope that it'll rise again someday.

Anonymous said...

I'm not entering the contest but wanted to pop in and say Welcome to the Island Devyn!!
And I love that you picked Batman - he's so mysterious and sexy, what's not to like about him? Good choice!



Devyn Quinn said...

Thanks for the welcome, ladies. I remember watching The Man from Atlantis when I was a kid (remember young Patrick Duffy, LOL, in shorts). I've always been fascinated by the idea of lost civilizations being rediscovered.

Blanche said...

Great interview Devyn and Lea!! :) I also wish Atlantis was neat would that be! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Devyn :) Great interview.
I'm definitely one who likes to believe that Atlantis is real :) Just the thought of an underwater city exist is fascinating

throuthehaze said...

I like to believe that Atlantis is definitely an interesting subject.

Devyn Quinn said...

Thanks for reminding me of the title of the book, Lea. Although I had forgotten it, it always stuck in my mind and I recall it was pretty good. I may look it up again to refresh my memory.

Elaine G said...

Great interview. Looking forward to reading Siren's Call.
I believe Atlantis existed. I've even watched a few documentaries on it.I'm fascinated on what people discover about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Devyn!

I love books about sealore. I am particularly fond of Atlantis found.

Love mermaids too.

in Germany

Lea said...

Hi Everyone and Devyn!!

Welcome once again to the Island Devyn. *g*

Yes, "Savages" is one of those books that stayed with me too. I think they may have made a TV movie out of it if I'm not mistaken. Since you mentioned it I've been thinking about doing a re-read, I'm sure I've got it knocking about here somewhere. lol

I love sea-lore and have always been fascinated with the idea of mermaids and the possibility of Atlantis existing. Great topic for discussion! *g*

BTW Batman and Lara Croft? Both outstanding choices for a hero and heroine.

Thanks again for spending time with us Devyn!

s7anna said...

I think that Atlantis existed - why rule out the possibility?


Ina said...

Hi Devyn!
thanks so much for being here - I'm new to mermaid books and yours sounds really interesting :)
and yeah I do believe in Atlantis - and someday we will see it!
greetings, Ina

Bookwyrm369 said...

I LOVE reading books that incorporate Atlantis mythology but building your own world sounds interesting to so bring it on! :-)


jeanette8042 said...

Awesome interview! I love the Atlantis myth and think it's possible that it exists, people just probably haven't discovered it yet or something is preventing them, who knows?

Elizabeth Amber said...

Congratulations on Siren's Call, Devyn! Mermaids rock!

Misusedinnocence said...

I love the Atlantis mystery and would love to beleive that it existed, just maybe not in the way it's described.

I would love to be entered! :)

Unknown said...

Atlantis and the Bermuda triangle. Oh and mermaids, GIANT SQUID and sea horses (do those count) :)

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Chelsea B. said...

I've always wanted to believe Atlantis existed :-)
Great interview! I love the sound of this new series!

lindseye said...

I think that a version of Atlantis did exist because all myths have a grain of truth. Love exploring new worlds.

Sullivan McPig said...

Sea monsters! I love all the stories about all the weird sea monsters and such.
I do have a soft spot for mermaids too I must confess.

Linda Henderson said...

My favorite hands down is the lost city of Atlantis, it's always fascinated me.

seriousreader at live dot com

Garrett said...

I absolutely love mermaids, as well as sea monsters, selkies (seal people), and all the sea gods and goddesses! Hope I win!

Garrett said...

Whoops! Forgot to leave my email address! Sorry!

tetewa said...

I enjoy reading about mermaids and Atlantis!

CrystalGB said...

I would love it if Atlantis were real. I have always been fascinated by stories about Atlantis and about mermaids.

Cybercliper said...

There's so much lore and mythology surrounding Atlantis that you have to think that a little bit of it is real. I like to think they were an advanced race that were either lost or relocated elsewhere. The History Channel had a really great documentary about it a few months back.

Karen W. said...

My favorite sea lore is about Atlantis, and I would like to believe it once existed. :)

Chris said...

it would be very interesting if Atlantis was real... thanks for the interview!

chris1608 at gmx dot at

Lea said...

Contest is now closed, look for announcement of the winners soon!

Thanks Everyone!

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