Monday, August 9, 2010

KB's Weight Loss Journey and For the Love of Mollie Book Giveaway

Hey all desert island fans! KB here for the next three days bringing you some fun and excitement. I'm so thrilled to be starting the week off at the DIK Blog because not only do I have one book release out this week, but actually two! So, please give me a moment to pimp myself out.

You may all know me as that eccentric blogger who loves to post WTFckery and book reviews, but I also live a double life as an author as KT Grant. My debut release, Lovestruck, came out on May 31st from Noble Romance Publishing. I thought it would be awhile since I'd have another release, but was pleasantly surprised that after submitting to the new epublisher, Decadent Publishing, they accept my erotic contemporary romance called For the Love of Mollie.

 Anyone want to pet the man-titty?

For the Love of Mollie is about Mollie McGree, who wants to lose weight. All her life she has felt unworthy of a man's love because she thinks she's always been to big for a man to be attracted to her. She's close friends with Juan Carlos, a  masseuse, she wants badly. Mollie decides she'll join a gym and will lose the weight, where Juan Carlos will then want her on a more romantic level. What Mollie doesn't count on is the gym's owner, Conner Bean, the young, very successful fitness instructor, who thinks Mollie is perfect the way she is. He'll seduce Mollie and show her that she doesn't need to lose any weight.

The character of Mollie hit somewhat close to home for me because all through my childhood and into my late teens I had a weight problem. By the time I was a junior in college, I had ballooned up to 240 lbs. I wore a size 24 in pants and XX large shirts. I've tried to lose weight in the past because I was sick of being made fun of and thought if I got down to a single digit, I would go on dates and hopefully have a date to the prom. Those diets never lasted that long and all through high school I never dated and never did go to the senior prom.

What made me decide to lose weight was for myself. It wasn't to impress some guy I may have had a crush on, or to stop the comments from family and friends that I have a beautiful face, but would look so much better if I lost weight. Many times men would say I was a cute fat girl. So, my senior year of college, I worked out in the school fitness center with a certain weight goal in mind. I said goodbye to 3am Denny's runs. By the time I graduated, I met that goal.

Now twelve years later, I've kept off the weight and went on to lose a total of 80 lbs. I wear a size 10 the majority of the time. Unfortunately my chest size disappeared in such a way that I really don't need to wear a bra. So are the sacrifices I had to make. Mollie makes the decision to lose the weight to impress someone who does care for her, but only as a friend because he's in love with someone else. Mollie is in for a surprise, because Conner, who she believes only finds himself attracted to fit, skinny women because of his job and lifestyle, thinks she is his perfect woman. He loves her curves and body, and even gets angry that she wants to be this ideal looking woman that society thinks women should be.

It all comes down to what makes you happy. The moment I made that decision to lose the weight and live healthier for myself and no one else, I felt free, as if that weight was lifted. And now I can look back at all my hard work and be proud of myself. That's what I tried to accomplish with For the Love of Mollie and the love she finds with Conner, who may possibly be too perfect, But hey, it's a romance after all!

In honor of my release of For the Love of Mollie, I'll give one copy away here. All you have to do is leave a comment here by Friday 8/13. What are your favorite stories about the heroine, who thinks she's less than perfect, finds the man of her dreams, who in turn thinks she is perfect the way she is?

Synopsis: Mollie McGree is on a mission to seduce her best friend, the sexy masseuse Juan-Carlos. But she wants to lose a few extra pounds first. She joins a gym run by self-made millionaire and personal trailer, Conner Bean. Conner thinks Mollie doesn't need to lose any weight, and is perfect the way she is. He plans to seduce the curvy Mollie by giving her his own special training sessions in passion and desire.

Soon Mollie is enjoying a no-holds-barred love affair with the vibrant and skilled Conner. But self-esteem issues on her part, as well as her unresolved feelings for Juan-Carlos, cause her to second guess Conner's motives. Conner will stop at nothing until he claims Mollie's heart for his own.


Kate Richards said...

Hi Looks so great, Lovestruck was wonderful, btw, can't wait to read your next.

KT Grant said...

Thanks Kate #2 :)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Mollie was our Contest winner and spotlighted in out Read For A Cure feature, benefiting Relay For Life!!

Great blog, KT. ;->

Seleste deLaney/Julie Particka said...

Congrats on the release and the weight loss. As someone else who has struggled with her weight for years, I totally get where you're coming from. I'm on a "diet" now and I am losing weight, but I'm sticking with it less for the weight loss and more because of how much better I feel.

Glad to be a Decadent author with you and I can't wait to read Mollie's story.

Samantha said...

Hello KT..
Congratulations on your weight loss AND For the Love of Mollie. Keep up the great work!

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh wow, this is an awesome book and an amazing post KT. I actually love stories where my heroine is not perfect.. because you know what.. neither am I... So, it is nice to relate to!
We all have our "problems" but it nice to see our characters with those same ones. Makes them that much more real!

Congrats on not one but two releases!!!!! YAYAYAY!
Please count me!!

Blanche said...

Great post! Congrats on the weight loss and the book release! For The Love of Mollie sounds awesome, can't wait to read it!! :)

s7anna said...

This looks like a great read - I can certainly relate to the heroine. I've been struggling with my weight for many years...I suffered from bulimia and it was a tumultuous journey trying to overcome it. I now try to eat healthier and regularly exercise (although I definitely have room for improvement in this department).

It's still hard sometimes to look in the mirror and accept myself for who I am and not feel down.

It's always great to read about heroines who I can relate to so easily.


Chris said...

I'm not entering (you know me, all about teh boiz), but I think that sounds like a great basis for a book. Congrats on keeping the weight off!

Gerry Skoyles said...

What an amazing subject! As a fella, writing romanic, interracial comedy in Thailand, I'm awestruck by the huge talent surrounding me in this big wonderful world.

My very best wishes and congratulations.

Mark Damaroyd.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Great blog, great message but so hard to learn -- love yourself and then others will too.
Congratulations and keep writing.
All the best

Carolyn Crane said...

What a great post! Wow, this sounds like a fun book that will totally resonate. Thanks for telling your story, and congrats on the release!!!!

Kwana said...

Kate congrats on your release the books sounds wonderful and thanks for sharing you story. You're such and inspiration.

Kaetrin said...

Sounds like a great story KB. Good luck with it!

The book I think of when I think of stories like that (apart from Bridget Jones) is The Perfect Rake by Anne Gracie. Gideon sees Prudence as totally beautiful even though she is the "plain" one and her sisters are all gorgeous. In the book it's really well done - it's funny because no-one else sees it but it's sweet and wonderful too because he truly believes it. *swoon*

Best for the new book Kate! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

Jessica said...

I can identify with Mollie. Having been overweight all my 53 years I know what shes been through. Been there, done that. I've accepted myself as I am, I'm just working to eat healthy. I'll never be a size 10 and that's OK, glad you made it, and stayed it. I am reading this book, it's sound funny and worth reading. Happy days people.

KT Grant said...

Decadent: One of the best things about Mollie was winning the contest :)

Seleste: Congrats on all your success, my fellow Decadent author!

Samantha: Thanks!

Cecile: I've always loved reading about the hero or heroine who think they are less than perfect, and by the end of the novel, they are perfect in each others' eyes and inside themselves.

Blanche: Thanks!

s7anna: You should look in the mirror and be proud of what you have overcome and accomplished :) For the longest time I couldn't look in the mirror myself or had to weigh myself everyday. Now months will go by and I haven't stepped on the scale.

Chris: :P

Mark: Thanks! Congrats on your release!

Maynely: Love your "name" :) Thanks!

CC: I had fun writing it and hope others will have fun reading it :)

Kwana: Aw thanks. ;)

Kaetrin: I adored The Perfect Rake also. That is one much recommended read.

Tore: You're in!

Jessica: Good for you :) Doesn't it feel great being able to love yourself that way? Thank for the wonderful word about Mollie.

Abbie said...

The books look great! I love flawed heroines. (Bet Me, anyone?)

Tracy said...

Congrats on the new release and of course losing that 80 pounds. It's amazing how much changing your this case you chose to do it for yourself instead of someone else...can do for you. :)

The book sounds really good and I love the premise!

Louis H said...

enter me please, thank you for the giveaway

LBSGONE said...

Oh I know I will love this book . . . it is my story . . . been working on losing weight for 3 years (up and down . . have kept 100 lbs off, but still have 75-ish to go) and in the meantime, along comes my high school best friend, not seen in 30 years . . and he now loves me as I am, over a year together now.

Anonymous said...

Weight loss is such a problem for so many of us---I think I can really relate to Molly.

Anonymous said...

More fun reading about other people's problems than dealing with your own! Besides this sounds really good and funny!

Kaetrin said...

@ LBSGONE - awwww :)

(that story made my day!)

Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

That's a very inspirational story! Congrats on your releases! I'm a devout follower of your blog, and hope to read your books soon! :) Count me in on the giveaway!

ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

susan1215 said...

Sounds like a great book

susansmoaks said...

i too struggle with weight, i would love to read this.

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a very inspiring story. I would love to read it.

Nancy S. said...

Sounds like you wrote a great book. Congratulations.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

skyla11377 said...

Congrats on your weight loss. I have been over weight all of my life and didn't think I would ever find anyone to love me the way that I am. All that changed in 2001 when I met my future hubby. Next March we will have been married for 9 years. Although I still have the weight I have learned to like myself the way I am. This book sounds like a book I can really relate to. I so am gonna keep my fingers crossed that I win this one....^_^.


Dr Eric Berg said...

congratulations on your weight loss. keep it up for you were an inspiration.

KT Grant said...

Tore, you are the winner of For the Love of Mollie! Please email at for your prize.

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