Saturday, July 4, 2009

Birthday babies

This is the month we celebrate those firecracker babies!
Hope you have a fantastic birthday!

We don't usually do this but I wanted to take a moment to thank the men and women fighting for our freedom over seas and at home! Without you there would be no reason to celebrate our independence. Thank you for all that you do! And we thank those families that have loved ones over seas fighting for our freedoms because of your sacrifice we can truly celebrate today! So thank you!


Lea said...

Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday to everyone involved!!


Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Thank you for sending your wishes to our troops! That was very thoughful of you guys!

And of course thank you for giving some very delicious eye candy to look at... Especially Ryan Reynolds!! He is just so dang on yummy!
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday at the Island!

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