HEY EVERYONE guess whose come to play with us on the island!!!! Why its Samantha Kane! *motions for the crowd to be silent* Now, now ladies lets not get too excited. Let's give Sam a chance to answer some question.
Oh and before I forget yesterday, the 17th, was Sam's release day for Retreat From Love. So when you ge a chance head over to the link below to the buy page at EC and pick it up!!
The link is http://jasmine-jade.com/ps-6774-50-retreat-from-love.aspx
Now without further delay here's our Sam with her About Me questions:

Favorite Reading Position
These days it’s not so much favorite as wherever and whenever I can! I read mostly at night in bed with a pile of pillows behind me and my husband snoring next to me. Or at the breakfast table. I’m not a morning person. I need a good hour or two of downtime as soon as I wake up. So I eat breakfast and have my coffee while reading a book. I guess that’s my favorite.
Best love song
I can’t pick just one! And most people will have never heard of my picks. Well, that’s not true. Canadians especially will know the first one. Boston and St. John’s by Great Big Sea. The second is It’s So Hard by Mare Winningham, the actress who is also a singer. I’m actually a big country music fan. So I love Addicted by Dan Seals, and Happiness Alone by Clint Black. And I’m a huge Jimmy Buffet fan, and one of the saddest love songs I’ve ever heard is Coast of Marseilles. Lordy, I love that song.
Favorite Heroine
Princess Meredith Gentry from Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry, fairie princess series.
Author everyone loves but you don't
I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me. But I can tell you an author who is considered an American icon and I can’t stand his books. Ernest Hemingway. Phtttpt!! (sound of spitting) I can’t stand Hemingway. God, if those characters were talking to him in his head night and day no wonder he drank like a fish. Ugh. Any Hemingway book I’ve ever read (and I’ve read a few, more than I wanted to) I spent almost the entire time wishing the characters would die so I could read a real romance instead.
If you could be in one book/series/world which would you pick
Gotta go back to the Merry Gentry series. Scary, violent, but oh the men. The magic. The sex. Yep. I want to live in that alternate reality.
How old is your inside voice
Um, you know, the thing is, I pretty much say what’s on my mind. So my inner voice is my outer voice, and she’s forty-one (almost forty-two, on Dec. 30), slightly used but in good condition, sarcastic, pragmatic, empathetic, and hormonal most of the time. And proud of it.
Favorite sex song
No question. Me and Mrs. Jones, both versions. The original by Billy Paul, and the remake by Michael Bublé.
If you could be a hero who would you be
Batman. He is wicked sexy, and I look fabulous in gray and black.
What heroine is most like you
Most like me? Yowza, that’s a tough one. Maybe Jasmin Field, from a marvelous book that came out in 2000 called Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field by Melissa Nathan. It’s British chick lit., and it’s very funny. Although I’m not British. But I love Jazz (the heroine).
What heroine would you like to be
Three guesses and the first two don’t count. Merry Gentry, of course. She may constantly be in fear for her life, tortured by her Aunt, raped by her uncle, but she has Doyle. And Rhys. And Mistral. And even Sholto, with his extra, octopus-like appendages that include extra sex organs. Whew! Is it hot in here, or is it the hormones?
Favorite book set on a tropical island
The Windflower by Laura London. Half the book takes place on pirate Rand Morgan’s private tropical isle. I would have definitely dragged Rand and Cat, the "boy" pirate, into the palm trees and convinced them to explore their repressed sexual attraction to one another with my support and assistance. Oops, TMI. My second favorite is Shanna by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss.
What hero would you like to be your significant other
Again, Batman. Dark, mysterious, and you know he’s got some kinks under the bat suit. He wears a bat suit, for god’s sake. And he’d be gone a lot, so, you know, I’d have my space when I needed it. And he’s loaded. The original tall, dark moneybags. And he’d have to let me drive the Batmobile cause we’re married and stuff.
If you were stuck on a desert island what 3 things would you bring
Sunscreen, an unlimited supply of drinking water, and a really big, sharp knife. Remember that pragmatic inner/outer voice? She’s freakishly practical, too.
Favorite Drink to Bring to the DIK party?
Cranberry juice and Malibu rum. Coconut rum with vitamins. Yum.
Book Giveaway Extravaganza
Over at my blog, Kiss and Tell Girls, nine Ellora's Cave authors with December releases, including me, decided we'd promote one another's books on each other's blogs, AND we'd give away copies of our new releases as we go. We’re calling it Deliciously Decadent December.
We are:
Amy Ruttan RAIN GOD 12/3
Cheryl Dragon QUINTUPLED 12/3
Aubrey Ross CRIMSON PREY 12/5
Emma Peterson SEDUCING ST. NIC 12/10
Samantha Kane RETREAT FROM LOVE 12/17
Kathy Kulig DESERT OF THE DAMNED 12/19
Angelia Sparrow EIGHT DAYS ABLAZE 12/24
Shelley Munro CAT BURGLAR 12/31
We don't have a release everyday of the month, but when one of us does I'll post a cover and blurb and links to buy or read excerpts. Each promo post will also contain a question that I'll answer, and then you can answer it in the comment section. You must comment on those posts to win books.
The rules are:
1. Leave a comment and you'll be entered to win.
2. Winner will be chosen at random via Random.org
3. You can enter a total of 9 times by leaving a comment on each Triple D author's blog but you will only allowed to win once.
4. You must be 18 and older to enter and/or win.
5. You must collect your prize within 10 days of prize announcement or prize is null & void.On days we don't have new releases to give away, below are just a few of the authors who will be giving away copies of their books, and some of them will be our guests, at the Deliciously Decadent December Yahoo Group, which you can join here. So drop by each day, where the nine of us will be visiting with guest authors and other readers.
Autographed Copy of Immortal Kiss by J.K.Coi (Dec. 22)
Autographed Copy of Make U Sweat by Amie Stuart
Autographed Copy of Nailed by Amie Stuart
Autographed Copy of Mistress of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle
Autographed Copy of Alibi in High Heels by Gemma Halliday
Autographed Copy of Wicked Burn by Beth Kery
eBook - Stolen: Stealing the Show by Leila Brown
eBook - Unwrap My Heart by Jackie Barbosa (Dec. 23rd)
eBook - Comrades In Arms by Jackie BarbosaeBook - Hard Fall by Isabelle Drake (Dec. 15th)Autographed Copy of Animal Lust by Lacy Danes
Autographed Copy of What She Craves by Lacy Danes
Autographed Copy of A Red Hot Valentines Day by Lacy Danes
eBook - Charmed by Koko BrowneBook - Eight Seconds by Barrie Abalard
eBook – Birthright by Mari Freeman
And several of the Triple D authors will be giving away titles from their backlist as well. Moi will be giving away the complete Brothers In Arms series in ebook to one lucky winner. That's five ebooks in all.
I still don't understand this "inside voice" question. I figure mines gotta be in her twenties or thirties....I mean an ADULT voice cuz, you know, I like adult things. Like Sam. Although it appears that Sam Kane is YOUNGER than I am. ::cough::
Mmmm. Malibu rum sounds good right now. It's 5 O'clock somewhere...
Also when I first looked at that photo, I thought it was Robbie Benson.
Yeah, I didn't get it either. The inside voice. I thought "is that like vs. my outside voice? Like the kids?" Duh. Yep. Younger. Always. Hehehe. By like, what, a day?!
My husband, romantic fool that he is, told me that whenever he hears that Jimmy Buffet/Alan Jackson song, "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere," he thinks of me. Nice.
LOL I had to go back and look at the picture. I don't know who that guy is, but I do know who Robby Benson is. We are so clearly from the same generation.
The guy in the photo is Cillian Murphy. He's a British actor (or maybe Irish).
Yeah I think he was in 28 days and Batman begins he's friggin hawt!!!!
Welcom SAM!!!!
Jenre and Sarai ~ Hi guys! Cillian, what a great name. I love those Irish names, or Welsh. That could be welsh. Like Cieran Hinds. He's welsh, right? We have got to watch that Batman Begins. It's on our list. Is he a bad guy?
Welcome to the island! Good hero choice :) Batman is yummy, especially the Christian Bale version. *sigh*
I'm old fashioned. I actually liked Michael Keaton as Batman. Who knew he could pull that off? And Val Kilmer, although he wouldn't fit in the suit now. :-(
Welcome Samantha! Can I just say, I love that you chose a Laurel K Hamilton series and heroine. And thanks for bringing the practical stuff!
Sam! Welcome to paradise!
Yes, he looks like Robbie Benson, but isn't that the guy who plays Superman on tv? I don't watch so I'm not sure. Anyway, a superhero!
OMG Val Kilmer comment...bwahahahahaha! Too funny, but so true. Yes, Val and Michael were the best imo.
and yessssss, Malibu rum. One of my favorites. A thousand years ago I went to Costa Rica and ordered a Malibu rum and coke. They just looked at me like I was nuts. I finally pointed the bottle out to them and they said, "ahhhh, Maleeboo!" with great emphasis on the BOO. Isn't that what I just said? jeez! lol
I concur about the Christian Bale Batman. Good call. :)
CJ ~ Hail fellow LKH lover! Doyle, mmmmmm . . . I didn't used to be so practical. Then I had three kids. You get practical real fast.
Tracy ~ I thought at first you meant Robby Benson played Superman on t.v., and I was like "No kidding! When did he do that?" And then I realized you meant my new friend Cillian. Poor Val, reduced to a fat joke. I saw him last season on "Numbers" and had to do a double take because I almost didn't recognize him. Remember "Real Genius?"
Maleeboo. I will now say that all the time. Mal-ee-BOO. I like it. ;-)
Hi, Sonja! Okay, I have got to check out Christian Bale's Batman. I will keep an open mind.
Christian Bale is teh yum...
but in YUMA? RC is teh yummier.
Aww poor Val. I used to love him and thought he made a great batman. Although I just can't tell you how happy I am to be out of the Joel Schumacher version and into the much darker side of Batman. I like the dark.
I know what you mean about the inside voice thing. I don't have one. It definitely gets me into trouble. What you see is what you get!
I didn't know you liked Great Big Sea. I only have one album, but I play "French Perfume" probably 3 times a week. Love that song!
Sam you forgot to mention Frost. How can you forget Frost. Love Frost and Doyle. Rhys is fun but Frost and Doyle are my favorites.
I love the Christian Bale Batman. Can't wait until they come up with a Catwoman for him.
lb ~ I knew you'd jump from Christian Bale to RC via Yuma, lol! Thanks for not disappointing. ;-)
Eliza ~ I thought the first ones were dark. These are darker, hmm? Well, I like that. And Doyle is dreamy . . . I want to suck on his pointy ears. Oops, TMI.
Beth ~ Hey woman!! Frost is nice, but honestly I like Rhys and Mistral better. The beauty of it is there are so many to choose from. :-D I was wondering if he had a Catwoman yet.
Sabrina ~ Yep, that inside/outside voice gets me in trouble constantly. I've lost count of how many times I've said, "Did I just say that out loud?"
I love Great Big Sea!! Some of my favs are B&St.J's, Captain Wedderburn, Feel It Turn, Margarita, Old Brown's Daughter . . . I could keep going!
yeah Sam he's the scarecrow who does some bad things LOL but oh he is very amusing LOL
But in 28 days he's the hero so *shrug* he's also shirtless in this movie which is a plus LOL
Well, spank my ass and call me a tomato! "forty-one (almost forty-two, on Dec. 30)" I KNEW there was a reason I lurve you-- that's MY birthday too! Course ya gotsa add 10 to your numbers to get mine.
AND I loves me some RHYS.
AND I drink Malibu and pineapple juice-- also a healthy drink, right?
Weird story- my best friend from high school (her birthday is Dec 28th) moved to Florida like 24 years ago. I've seen her maybe 4 times since then and it's always like we've picked up our conversation right where we left off. Anyway, she was up here last summer and we all went out. The waiter comes to take our drinks and I order my usual Malibu and pineapple and I hear her gasp. Seems that's what SHE always drinks too. Weird, huh?
Holy cow I must have missed the birthday part cuz Bev and Sam - that's my oldest daughters b-day as well!
Sarai ~ Ah, the scarecrow. o_O I actually don't know that villain, lol. But I've seen stickers and whatnot in the kids Batman stuff. And 28 days, is that the movie with Sandra Bullock? Or the scary one?
Bev ~ I knew we were soul sisters! Our birthday totally rocks! Malibu is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Seriously. It makes ANYTHING taste better. Oh, stop. I just meant coke, or eggnog, or whatever.
I just ache for Rhys. Why doesn't she love him?!
I have a best friend from high school who is exactly the same way. We don't talk or see each other for years, and then poof! It's just like we saw each other yesterday.
Tracy ~ Are you serious?! LOL It's my brother's birthday as well. He always says I was the best birthday present he ever got. There's exactly twelve years between us. He's the best.
omg your brothers comment - brought tears to my eyes. That's the sweetest thing ever!
And yes Mal-ee-BOO does make ANYTHING taste better. hehehe
That's the kind of guy my brother is--and he means it, too!
Oh, you stop with the Mal-ee-BOO. hehehehe Maybe we should write that guy with the cookbook? Did I just say that out loud?
Cillian Murphy is definitely worth watching out for in Batman. He's got such a beautiful face, and being a bad guy makes him more intriguing!
Doyle is the best! How can you argue with a phooka? So cool. And, LKH's descriptions of him are just beautiful.
I'll start at the bottom - I'll take the rum with anything *g*
Me and Mrs. Jones is one of my favourite sex songs as well - Billy Paul AND Michael Buble; and Batman is my all time favourite hero.
I never read the Merry Gentry series.
jessewave ~ Mal-ee-BOO, Me and Mrs. Jones, and Batman. Clearly we are in synch, so you will love Merry Gentry. ;-) I can't give any guarantees, but that series is definitely one of my favorites of all time.
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