Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Reads by Shiloh Walker

Come October, if you walk into a bookstore, chances are you'll be met with reminders that Christmas is coming.

The Christmas story anthologies are out side by side with Halloween books. Me, I love Christmas stories, but I'm not in the mood to read them until it's closer to Christmas. But once December gets here, I'm all for a good Christmas romance.

Here are some I might read/reread this year:

The Magical Christmas Cat-hey, it's got Nalini Singh and Lora Leigh. I'm sold without needing to know anything else.

Holiday in Death by JD Robb-This one is one of my faves.

All I Want for Christmas by Lori Foster, Dee Holmes, Eileen Wilks and Kinley MacGregor.

Christmas Getaway
by Anne Stuart, Tina Leonard, and Marion Lennox. Haven't read the other two, but I'm sure I will, since I've gotta get this one. I'm an Anne Stuart Junkie.

So what holiday-type books do you plan on reading or rereading this year?



Pamk said...

I loved The Magical Christmas Cat.

Anonymous said...

I might try to read some of it today, Pam. Finished up a book yesterday so I think I deserve a break, right? :)

Sarah said...

I have a few Christmas read I dig out. And, I usually find myself re visiting Harry Potter at this time of year also!

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